diss for you,cause i think you dissed me once.
is a wolf's rain fangirl
*forces jumps over you and lands in front of you*
*force pushes back at you* *runs at emmax*
kiss for you cause i love wolf's reign.
*forces pushes the snowballs back at you*
Type: (Avvy? Siggy? Something else?) siggy and avvy combo Color Scheme: (What colors do you want in it?) blue Stock/Render: (Give me a link to the image(s) you want. PNG renders are best.) http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b7/courtneyallen711/01-scrubs-06_1130403791.jpg Text: (Pretty self explanitory XD) pirateking_luffy Other: (Anything else?) i want the blue to be the color of your sister sig.
*gets up* i see.well then *pulls out lightsaber and ignites it* let's dance then.
hugs for the slow people.
*thinks* hmm. *puts on ice ring* i command you,demon of ice.
like you could do anything even with it.all you did was hide behind your little wall of ice. *is still running*
hugg for you for no reason.
*forces pushes emmax back into a wall* *runs away*
ed,nows your chance to get back at her.
kiss for the lonely girl
*force pushes emmax to the ground* *runs away*
that would be the point of me stealing your ring
*runs away*
*sneaks up on emmax* *hits her in the head with a frying pan* *takes ring from unconisious body* *walks out*
this is my fav comdey show that i watch.(office almost won but lost).and before i go on one of my rants about how cool scrubs is,i must say this.HOOCH IS CRAZY.my favorite episode would be i guess-you know what,there all my favorite,i can't decide.