I would have to say Evanescence.
I like that song. ;D
Be My Escape-Relient K
I hope so, but I doubt it.
This is really good. Great job.
Walt Disney should have been the final boss. lulz jk I think Xemnes was a pretty good boss.
Well he chose to sacrifice himself to save Sora but I think that he didn't deserve to die. They probaly could have found a better way to kill all of those nobodies....
One can dream...
Well I'll probaly not be one because I'm pretty sure I have plans on New Year's Eve. I'm sure other poeple will have plans to. I think the day after New Year would be better, perhaps?
I laughed so hard when I saw that. I'll probaly say that when I eat potatoe chips next time. Haha...
March 20th.
I wouldn't reveal who I was. My teachers are kinda freaky.
That makes me hungry.
I totally thought it was another Godzilla movie but I guess it's not. It seems like a cool movie though and I can't wait to see it.
Nothing beacuse everyone forgot about him. )=