I am tired. I don't know why you are taking so long to post, but I am getting ready to head for bed.
I can't undersand what you are saying. Try using a spell check.
Okay I edited mine.
Okay, then it was just a very minor disturbance. Okay so somthing like, what the heck was that?
You sure?_______
Thats what she said at least. But popped ear drums don't cause you to be deaf, unless they go untreated.
Well I just talked to a nurse(my mom) and a major shockwave would cause eardrums to pop, and cause people to fall over.
lol, is he on yet? If not we might have to decide this ourselves.
lol. Okay. *waits for pezz patiently
So its like a sound wave? Got yah. But is it hurtful?
Eve wanted to jump for joy when he heard Kurt's offer. "I would lo--"Eve said "AH!"Eve said taking a breath and putting a head over his head.
What is a shockwave?
Okay I am right on it!
"Oh, I am so sorry for what they did your village. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Eve asked in a concerned tone.
Its cool, no worrys man.
Okay I am done editing. Are you done? I changed alot of attitudes that my charecter had so you might wan to see if you want to edit anything.
Oh and you might want edit some of your posts too. I am starting at where they first met.
Sorry I am taking so long, I'll be done in a little bit.
"But it sounds just like mine." Eve said as he walked over to Kurt. "Maybe" Eve said “The people who burned down your village were the same people who burnt down mine. Did anyone else survive from your village survive?” Eve said as he took a seat right next to Kurt.
"No, no I am fine. My village was burned down 225 years ago, and it has never been the same." Eve said in a kind of depressed tone. "Wait your village was burned down too?" Eve asked as if it was unbelievable that someone else faced what he did.