He is so carrying. “Goodnight Kurt†Eve said with a smile as he crawled into the bed. Eve then laid his head against the pillow, and then drifted to sleep.
the most epic movie ever!!!! I loved the movie. That was the best part about the movies is that if you never even heard of the transformers you still would have loved the movie! And if you were a major fan-boy/girl you would just watch this movie in amazement! Personally my favorite character was Jet Fire. That’s the old autobots name right? Anyway go see this movie if you haven't seen it yet! Peace. THE MOST EPIC MOVIE EVER!!!!
Eve turned red when Kurt complimented him. If Kurt thinks I am a great molder already, wait till he sees what else I can do! "Thanks Kurt" Eve said with his usual smile. He is so sweet. "Are you sure you want to take the first shift?" Eve asked.
"No, I didn't mold it. I think she might be a Venus fly trap" Eve said as he set Eura in the window. "Once she develops her traps I am supposed to give her personality. She is my final test before I can become a true plant molder" Eve said as he watered his plant. Eura's buds looked like they were almost ready to open at this point.
Hi Luna! :)
Okay, seeya.
"Well thank you Mr. Kurt" Yin said as he grabbed a key out from under the counter. "This just for tonight I presume?" Yin asked. "Yes just tonight." "I don't blame yah; nothing too great out here anyway." Yin said. "Do have any luggage?" "Just my plant" Eve said. "Do you have a Room with a window for her?" Eve asked. "Why sure kid. This for some lady, or something?" Before Eve could say no Yin quickly added. "Ah it’s probably none of my concern. Bubba take them to room 32." Yin said as he passed Kurt the Keys.
"You see the way I see it is the king keeps raising up taxes, so then us shop keepers have to raise our renting prices so we can cover the taxes, pay the employees, and uh, yeah and receive some revenue for ourselves. Problem is he raised the taxes he didn't raise the taxes fairly, so now everyone is suffering! It won't be to long before we shut down as well. If only there was some way we could get our taxes down, then maybe Bubba and I could hang out at the bar a little more often." Yin said. I don't think these guys are that bad, they are just suffering like everyone else. “Listen to me I think I already have my begging act all tied together, but then again there is no one to beg to.†in said. “Oh I forgot, my name is Yin, and this is Bubba.†Yin said as he removed his hat and shook Eve’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you Yin†Eve said with a smile.
Eve rang the little doorman bell at the front desk of the Inn, and a large shadow came from around the corner, and to his and Kurt's surprise the doorman was none other then the Drunk Yin. Please tell me this is a joke. "Hey! If it isn't none other than... say I can't quite recall your names. Do you remember their names Bubba?" Yin asked; who was in a slightly torn red uniform.
:) I really look forward to it. :D
I'll be back in a hour or less.
If you want to we can try again tommorow, or today if you want.
On the Rp? Marching band, Martial arts, and school got in the way.
"She would probably go upstream to catch some fish. If she knows how to fish that is." Eve said before he yawned.
I am going to leaving soon, I got to get my driving hours in so I can get my License.
Lol. I had some chores to do.
"Kurt? Didn't you hear me?" Eve said
Xert I am glad someone had the guts to say this. I was thinking about this the other day myself. Why is it that all my threads in the spam and literature zone are there, but not my RP's? I know RPs that only go to 4000 are done for, but couldn't the staff members mabye repost them in an archive for RPers to view?