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  1. Sessamaru
    lol, thank you and I'm glad you're interested in my character. I've been here before, but it amazes me how we never met. I just came back to the forum, nevertheless... '>.>

    As for the leader position... well, it would be hilarious for Lucifer, seeing as how everything else doesn't necessarily suit him. But, I'm not 100% sure if that's a good idea. Well, it might... meh, I'll leave this "rank" thing alone for the moment. It's making my head hurt.

    As a suggestion, since you're the GM (Game Master), the God of the RP, it should really be YOUR responsibility to control the enemies. If you give us that responsibility, some of us may take advantage of it and cause some strife... this is just from personal experience. I'm sure most people here WON'T do it, but I suggest it as a precautionary measure.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Puppeteer: Sessamaru

    Name: Lucifer Bedlam

    Former Self: Mad Hatter

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Race: Wonderland

    Where is Your Mark?: Heart, it's located in the center of his forehead

    Grimm Cadet/Queen’s Lacky: Grimm Cadet

    Personality: Lucifer is goofy. He's often a klutz, knocking things over, breaking things... falling over his own two legs... and so on. Lucifer even has an "addiction" to tea. More often than not, he rambles about nothing; however, these "nothings" may be "something" in the long-run. He's a very keen observer, but his attention span is quite short. His memory is crummy short-term, but in the long-term it may be useful. This is normally a mental cross-wiring involving total recall. Lucifer is very imaginative, and more often than not verbose. Though he's not very quick to anger, he does have episodes where something that should've made him outraged, doesn't, and what shouldn't make him angry, does. It is theorized that he bottles up all his emotions, despite appearing joyful.

    He's quite scatterbrained and only pays the most attention to the clouds in the sky and the stars upon the blanket of night. More over, he's often aloof and passive, but is capable of showing sympathy during his times of "humanity". He's often random, but even this can make him seem wise or intelligent at times.

    Picture I.D.:

    Brief History: Lucifer was a young boy who liked magic. As a child, he wanted to be a magician. However, he was the son of a noble, and it was frowned upon. Rather than be taught how to pull a rabbit out of a hat, he learned to play the violin (which he took a shine to, fortunately). However, the violin did not fill the void of fun and entropy that magic had done to his soul. He was given lessons in sketching and painting. He took a shine to those. Again, they did not fill the void. Eventually, as he became older, Lucifer ran away, and he took with him his favorite top hat, a length of velvet, his favorite card in his father's poker deck, his violin, and a cane. Aside from those few things, he even took with him the clothes on his back. After a few days on the streets, far from home, he appeared as a pauper, playing the violin for money. It was then he learned of his talent, for he had conjured shadows to dance to his tune. People either screamed, gasped, or applaud. With a smile, he disappeared from society by enrolling in the Grimm Cadet Academy.

    1) Tea
    2) Hats
    3) Magic
    4) Sweets
    5) Exercising his artistic talents

    1) Rules
    2) Anything sour
    3) Vegetables
    4) Cats
    5) Boredom

    Weapon of Choice: Wit

    Magic Abilities:
    1) Hammerspace Roulette- Lucifer has a chance of summoning something useful or useless out of his hat (which ranges from a fish to a mallet to a pail of water).
    It's the greatest magic trick... until a shark bites your arm off.
    2) Minuet of Madness- Lucifer has the ability to summon semi-physical apparitions who obey the given notes of his melody. Like the name states, the given piece has no set rhythm and may swiftly change and become incoherent. It is entirely random, much to the joy of these ghastly figures.
    A dance is a dance, even if it's with the dead or the forgotten!
    3) Weightlessness- He can appear floating or defying the laws of physics by appearing in the air sideways or upside-down. This may be the most useless skill he has.
    Look at the world from this angle and you'll understand...
    4) Jack-of-All-Trades (or A Joker's Chance)- As the joker in a game of poker, Lucifer must be able to make sure no one but him wins. As such, he must equal out in all areas; though not the best in ANY of the fields (save for his own intelligence), this magical amplification allows him to have "good luck" in some areas of his choosing (mostly for the situations at hand). This doesn't assure the fact he'll win, however, since he's not skilled in ANY of the fields, but he is given a chance to survive the situation. This magic spell is simply a buff in "Luck".
    If it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't be where we are now.

    Theme Song: Theme 1

    Other: He's often seen carrying a cane and a violin case. His cane is actually a sword, but he hardly, if ever draws it out (but he does use the cane for defense... or for long walks... even though he constantly trips over it...)
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    Ulrich made his way upstairs, searching for a room of his own. He was alone, and it disturbed him. He heard voices in a room nearby. One of the voices he recognized. Fire girl... he thought. With a smile, he glanced at the apple. Magic flowed through him and ensnared itself into the apple, causing it to mend itself. Earth magic was the least recognized talent, for it didn't appear to have much uses... it was least understood, but Ulrich knew its value. The earth beneath their feet, the only substance that gave them support, was meant for creating life and preserving it. Ulrich knew this much. Apples came from the trees, and those trees came from the earth, bred by the earth, and preserved by the earth. This apple was an extension of him, who was an extension of the earth.

    As he stopped pouring his magic into the apple, it appeared slightly larger, healthier, and uneaten. He smiled. Ulrich opened the door and tossed the apple to Jo, all of which was a sudden, fluid motion. "Ulrich," he said lazily, wearing a dumb "I'm-At-Peace" smile.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru


    As Rita sat down, she would notice a sleeping student with a badly kept wizard hat, whose conical top was crooked and leaned lazily to the left. This student even wore a badly kept black duster, which appeared to be in tatters. Flowing from beneath the hat was long white hair with sky blue tint. He even had dusky pointed ears that poked out from beneath his long hair, brushing the brim of the wizard hat. At the slightest sound, his ears twitched. Immediately he shot up. "Huh? Wha? Where am I?" The youth asked with a heavy slur. Rita, and any student nearby, would notice that the youth wore a mask that covered his lower face, made of black leather. The mask itself seemed to be covered in straps, as did the rest of his clothing beneath it. His eyes appeared green with slitted pupils. The dusky-skinned student yawned and looked around. His gaze found Rita.

    "Why's it so quiet?" He asked, his voice husky from sleep. "Are you all that nervous about class?"
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    Ulrich smiled as he found himself in the kitchen. "Finally," he muttered. The red-clothed youth searched around, but not long as he saw apples. His smile widened and he grabbed one. "Now... perhaps I should find a room... or make nice with the kiddies..." Ulrich considered, frowning as he ate. He soon went back towards the entrance where he last saw the stairs. He took another bite into the apple.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    Accepted. Thank you for showing interest ^^
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru
    Ulrich yawned and nodded appreciatively to Keel as he turned and left, following the man's directions to the kitchen. His stomach growled as he gradually made his way to the kitchen, hands tucked in pockets, looking to and fro. He hoped there wouldn't be anymore obstacles on his epic quest for food.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru
    Karasu nodded in understanding to Mikatsu's situation, and after realizing he ignored the presence of a young man, he took advantage of the situation. With Mikatsu distracted, and the newcomers showing no interest in him, Karasu went ahead and ate his food. The speed and rapidity he ate was a blur, full of reflexes and timing and cunning. He removed his mask only for a moment as he lowered his head, and his mouth and nose were hidden behind the shadows and blur of his fork and spoon full of food. He often paused for a break, leaving the mask on, only to breathe and let the food settle. He remained lax, but listened carefully as his eyes were glazed with foolishness. A clown's eyes, one would note. Cheery and naive, full of innocent mischief.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
    Karasu watched her eat in envy, wishing that he could eat his food in the same manner. He shook his head, driving the thought away. She spoke up and told him her name. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Numara," Karasu said politely, smiling beneath his mask still. "My name is Karasu Blacksword, handyman-for-hire. I dislike killing and I will never accept a contract involving death or violence. I fix roofs, clean houses, find lost things, farm... I'm a rather boring person." He went on.

    "What about you? What do you do for a living? Work for the church?" Karasu inquired, attempting to make fine dinner conversation.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
    Ulrich turned to Keel, staring at him blankly. "Of course, why hadn't I thought of that before? Why, that's genius. Thank you ever so much, Captain Obvious." He said sarcastically. "But, I am new here, so why don't you be the helpful little scamp you are and guide me to the kitchen." Ulrich continued, crossing his arms. The youth made his way toward Keel and tapped his foot patiently as he stopped a good two feet away.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru

    The RP is up and running, folks ^^
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru


    (The OOC is still accepting people! Please join if you're interested!)

    It all began centuries ago, when the nations of Gaeus fell into disgrace. The eight nations fought amongst themselves for resources and land, to gain power over one another. They all converged, causing a schism amongst their peoples. These people, in the midst of war, fought against their government. Due to the war, due to the vexation of the people, the world was thrown into chaos for the second time... the first was at the birth of Man.

    The people had learned from a passing Sage the Forbidden Arts. Because of the Forbidden Arts, the world was thrown into chaos, causing many to go insane and many others to start their own smaller nations. In the end, it was the first Cataclysm to befall the people of Gaeus. The dead walked, men and women and children weep and laughed, and many others were suffering from plagues... never allowed to die. This era of pain and misery was pulled to a halt when eight wise scientists, one from each country, found the solution for peace. Those who knew the Forbidden Arts were housed in prisons and asylums. Those who suffered by the forsaken magic were placed in hospitals and asylums. And those who were oppressed and afraid were given homes.

    However, their methods were never recorded, for Man was thrown into a Dark Age; the scientists had lived in seclusion far beneath Gaeus's surface.

    In the end, these scientists, men of both the Arcane Arts and Technology, had brought unto the people a new peace. As the darkness receded, the golden sun arose for the people under their gaze. In hopes to hold back the darkness, the scientists had created a school, not only for education... but to exercise martial control.

    This school exists upon the Crossroads of the eight nations. It was named SIGMA ((Scientific Institute of Guardianship through Mastery of Weaponry And Arcane Arts)) by the BSD ((Bureau of Scientific Development)), the organization formed by the eight scientists.

    As of now, the school exists as a mercenary company created by the BSD, Gaeus's new government, to keep the world in place and to disrupt anything that threatens the peace. Despite the BSD's grip on the world, it is not strong enough to control the will of others... or those that are savage.


    The students were all assembled for their semester at SIGMA, their new home and a place to learn further of their abilities and talents. The school was unlike anything they could ever have imagined or even believe have existed. It was like a labyrinthine castle, everything was maze-like and vast beyond their wildest dreams... or nightmares. However, they were all able to find their first class... Magic 101. It was a class hosted by Professor Faust, infamously known for his intelligence. Infamously because it was the sort of genius that could only be found in a madman. Or so rumors go.

    Nevertheless, he had not arrived, nor had any of the new students met him. Yet.

    The classroom itself was large, with thirteen tiers with thirty-six steep steps. The tiers were set in a convex-manner, curving inward as proper. Like an arch. There were desks aplenty... and they all surrounded the main floor of the room in a proper manner for all to look upon the professor should he enter and his large blackboard. His desk was even set a proper five-feet away from the blackboard, the giving plenty of room for the professor to walk behind his desk-and-chair with much ease. The blackboard itself dwarfed the room and its tiers. There were three entry-ways. The first two were on the base floor, on opposing sides (one on the left, the other on the right). Then, there was one double-door at the top tier in the center, the diving point of the room for all to walk freely... if they were in a single-file line.

    Nevertheless, the bell rang... but there was plenty of time for the students to chat among themselves before the professor arrived to start the class. Five minutes before the next bell.
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011, 51 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    Ulrich was saw the newcomer approach and eyed him with as much apathy as he possessed, not really caring if he was in trouble or if the young man wanted to chat. He listened to the two as his stomach growled a bit. Eventually, once he got an opportunity to answer (for it was the polite thing to do), he answered. "I lived in the woods for the past few weeks... if anyone followed me, it was probably only rodents and bugs. Not that I have a problem with them. Otherwise, I came alone. As to how I found this place... well, it was mostly by luck." He told the lad, who appeared to be near his age. "Now... where's the kitchen? I'm hungry."

    OOC: Sorry to hear that, Sora :(
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    Karasu smiled gently behind his mask. "I see," he murmured with interest. "Well, perhaps you should experiment with them once you get the time. Perhaps you could understand your magic further." He suggested, trying to be helpful. Karasu even laughed as she stared and drooled at their food. But, his amusement died quickly as he saw his own food. The youth was torn between devouring it whole or to wait until his dinner-mate looked away. He didn't want to remove his mask in front of her. "Oh dear," Karasu uttered sadly, eyes drooping. "Well, dig in and I'll let you have your dessert," he added playfully, pushing the chocolate-and-vanilla cake towards her.

    Karasu decided to wait... much to his stomach's dismay as it roared with anguish at being denied food. The grey-skinned youth winced at the sound, even at the gut-wrenching reaction that occurred moments after.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Ulrich's brows raised themselves several inches as the wall of flame appeared, making him move back a step. "Temper, temper," he remarked calmly, turning to look at her. "If things keep getting heated between the two of us, we may have to find a new home. Again. Assuming, of course, you're also an orphan. Or else you wouldn't be here." Ulrich continued, yawning and stretching. "Now, can you please extinguish your fire? It would suck to have everyone else die on my behalf."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    Ulrich stopped and barely turned his head. "You know," he began slowly. "If you didn't want to be pushed aside, you shouldn't be standing in the middle of the doorway like a cat staring at catnip." Ulrich explained logically, though his tone held complete apathy towards his logic. He was too tired to care... so much so, he barely took notice of the warm air. "You really shouldn't be losing your temper for your own mistakes. It's really unhealthy for you. " He added, already walking away.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    (OOC: I was given an "OK" from Midnight, so... yeah...)

    Ulrich walked towards the orphanage, tightening his red trench-coat about his slender body. His amber eyes shone brightly, despite his long dark bangs shadowing his upper face. He appeared lazy and tired, yawning often and moving sluggishly as he walked. Ulrich glanced to and fro, making sure no one was after him... in particular. He yawned again. "The more I walk, the more bothersome I think it is to even bother trying to find a home. Perhaps I'm better off back near that lake... at least there, I had easy access to food, water, and a nice bath..." he complained, though it was a hollow thing for him to do. He was tired, alone, and most of all, he was unable to fend for himself. He was too lazy and apathetic to bother with anything. He looked ahead again and saw the orphanage. It was closer in sight. Ulrich smiled and approached the place.

    He sighed, however, when he noticed a white-haired girl was in his way. "Great," he murmured. "Another bothersome obstacle." Even though he complained, he continued forward and moved on past her. Ulrich first sought the kitchen...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Karasu laughed as she pulled at his hair, and even more so as she talked. "It's alright. I'm just happy to have someone to talk to, honestly. In my opinion... you're not strange. You just seem lonely. Like me!" He mimicked in a silly voice, clasping her hand (the very hand that held a lock of his hair) in his. He applied gentle pressure.. "So... what do the runes say? I'm interested in knowing what they mean." Karasu went on, even poking a random rune as he let go of her hand.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Thank you ^^

    And apparently that fourth drawing is everyone's favorite... I can see several things wrong with it. First, the sleeves. They're not... cloth-like... Not to mention they're too flat. Same with the rest of the kimono. Too flat, no depth. The shoulder blade is too prominent and unnecessary. It should be removed. Not to mention it's too high up and more of a long black line than anything... The hair needs to be more distinguished and life-like. The shadowing needs to be fixed.

    I could go on, but... meh.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Sessamaru
    Karasu just looked at her, frowning beneath his mask. "What am I to do? Run away and call you a monster?" He asked, turning his gaze to the window. "All I can do is sit here, chat with you, and pay for our meal. Your magic is... mysterious... I don't know if it's more wild than it is complex, or more complex than it is wild. All I do know is, is that if you are afraid of it, and afraid of the people who are afraid of you, then your magic will control you." Karasu went on. The grey-skinned youth averted his eyes from the window and to the woman, who was surrounded by flaring runes of magic. "If you remain afraid, you'll never be in control. It's the law of things. I know a little of what you're going through... people fear you because, to them, you're the thing that goes bump in the night. Because they fear you, they hate you, and they would do everything they can to make you feel weak and inferior. They believe that if they do that, you will be their weapon and their tool to use against their enemies. Or, they believe they can keep you in such a state that you would be useless. This reflects on you, for you're afraid of your power. Because you're afraid of it, you hate it. In this respect, you hate the people around you because they gave you a reason to hate yourself, to be afraid of yourself. Ergo, you're afraid of them because you believe they can decide whether you can live or die. For that day, to this day... you feel that, at any moment, the larger body of people can decide whether or not to discard you."

    He sunk further into his seat, sighing. "However, I have no power. I'm a handyman-for-hire. I carry this sword for protection and I wear this attire to hide my deformity to the best of my abilities. But I do know the feeling of being afraid of everything. Even the gifts that appear to be curses. Because I know this, I am no longer afraid. I have no reason to be afraid of anything." Karasu added, smiling. "Just calm down, think happy thoughts, and prepare for your meal."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home