hey cstar how are you
hey hows it going guys
hey hows it going
right *creates electric clones then attacks*
wow did not see that coming
not that you needed to know that
i know because ive never had familly or friends no one to help comfort or protect me ive been killing since i was 6 years old
joe loves kim but kim loves cr joe has no chance in hell i hate them both kims super strong and an excellent oppomemt while joe sloely is fading away which is why i can't believe im gonna do this but give joe some of my power
whats the point if he keeps dying i say we end him now
alright ive got your back
alright but what will it create
you mean fuse our bodies together
your friend id rather not piss off
tch watev lata
oh come on zaps kbmj wake up your only doing that to get kim near you
who bloody cares wait wheres NoN
aight but i'am beyond the level of a god
hmmmmm sure okay
whoa backs up its about to get crazy up in here aww yeah
hmm tempting but i will rule all saiyans joking but i will beat her fair and square