y-you ******* you'll pay for this your dead
yeah me neither im too young to die
what *catches spirit ball and holds it back* damn that hurts
frees self by rrealeasing max electric energy setting everything on fire
ha you don't think that'll hurt me much do you concentrates thunder ball into tiny ball of centration and hurls at kim * now dodge this
creates giant thunder ball and hurls at kim sorry
HOLY SH** that was unexpected
alright but true you really did just waste energy
alright but really teams wait your not gonna be on teams with kim are you
alright ax wanna be on teams
ooh ooh ido
whoops sorry yeah cr
yeah a bit but still i have no idea how darkness got into joe
well now that settles a lot of things *thinking to self phew i thought she was gonna kill me
hey whats up hows it going
umm me sure *makes rope out of electricity and flings over D.night and pulls away
i warned you nas crazy * hides back in tree*
so we gonna attack or what
uh-oh shes in that mood again *runs for life* im not getting burned again by that crazy psycho path
hey remeber when i told you my heart was once broken the girl that broke it just added me to her friends list on facebook and its creeping me out