I whimpered as the door closed.
"STOOGES?!" Theo and Hiro yelled in unison. Theo grabbed his sword and attempted to slice the net open so he could get to Zane, but he couldn't get the ropes, so he stopped and glared at Zane. Chronix had little to no reaction. Stooges. He laughed to himself. "Good one, gotta' write that down. Man, that's good, Zane." Theo and Hiro gave Chronix a wide eyed WTH look. Chronix sighed after he wrote Stooges down and grabbed his sword, using a Blitz to cut the net down.(Don't forget, Chronix isn't a normal human being.) After he had accomplished that, Chronix cut down Theo and Hiro, then used a Tech Flare ability(See page 5 for the ability's effect)and cut Diana down. Hiro caught her. The Chronix put his sword away and walked away from the area. OOC: Not trying to god mod and yeah, none of my characters except Theo are human. Just thought I'd mention that.
Still giving puppy eyes, I nodded violently.
I continued giving puppy eyes.
Chronix felt some dirt hit his eye. Looking up, he saw Theo and Hiro fall into the hole, both caught up in one net. Theo pouted. "Well, that could've gone better." Hiro said, looking up. Theo was busy stabbing at the net and screaming wildly, as anybody with a case of claustrophobia would.(I think)
I looked around, whimpering. I was giving the walls puppy eyes, as if they would let me out by falling down. I gave the two at the door puppy eyes.
I desperately tried to claw the walls down, but all I did was make little white lines in the bricks.
I pouted and crossed my arms, whimpering quietly.
OOC: KK. BIC: Chronix took no offense from being laughed at, he was laughed at all the time, but it was by Sero, and this time, he took offense. "Shut up, or I swear when I get out of these ropes the next time I use a Buster shot at you, it won't just electrocute you." Chronix said, remembering how hard that one day's shot had hit Zane. OOC: See page 5-7 for what Chronix is talking about.
"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" I yelled, throwing a smoke bomb on the ground. When the smoke cleared, the windows were broken and I jumped out the window. But I slipped on the sill and fell on my face, then got up and ran as fast as I could.
I was shocked. It actually WORKED? "Hey! I said I didn't kill him! And those cookies were already baked by the time I did kill him so-oh sh*t."
"Um... NOT Issaro, the baker-killing, cookie stealing thief? Er, my name is... uh... STEVE! VIPER! Yeah!"
"Um, NOT a baker slaughtering cookie stealing thief?" I said, in a squeaky voice.
OOC: D'oh! You b*stard! Zane copycats are always mean!(I'm not referring to you, Deathsight44, I'm referring to the look alike.) BIC: Chronix was taken aback(uck. I hate that word). He was about to give that guy what for when something opened under his feet and he fell into a hole, on the ground. A net came up and surrounded him, hoisting him into the air. Looking over, Chronix saw Zane and Diana. Both in separate nets. "*Sigh*. Well, I guess that's just about everybody, as soon as Theo and Hiro get here." Chronix said, not really talking to anyone.
"Meep!" I squeaked.
I pulled out the 80th rack of cookies out of the oven and began scarfing them down. They burned my throat, but I hardly ever care about that.
OOC: Nobody touches MY cookies!
I drifted towards the place where the cookies were coming from. I got some from the stairs, but it was stronger in the kitchen. So I went in, killed the baker, and made the cookies myself, eating the dough along with it.
OOC: Now Issaro will refer to himself in first person. BIC: I sniffed the air. It smelled of chocolate chips and oatmeal cookies. I smiled and let my face turn red. "I wish I weren't such a cookie junkie." I said. OOC: Ooh, Riku Terra, you double posted!
OOC: Just to mention, Issaro refers to himself in the third person. Meaning he goes by narrating himself. BIC: Issaro found a small building and walked inside. He was cold, and he smelled cookies for some reason.