I didn't have the patience to. :/
Wait people actually played the main quest? o.o
I hardly care most of the time but when someone calls AC/DC Heavy Metal it really annoys me .v.
Why would you bump this thread with games that have already been posted? :/
leviathan-tco@hotmail.de? D:
Did you block me or something? :/
Fallout 3 Seinfeld Two fucking awesome things <3
You can buy browser software for the original ds or ds lite.
Invite whoever the hell you want, it's your party.
Exactly .
Well wow he was lucky things didn't turn out worse. That could have been me D: 14years + german
Rosey C: Was it the 1$ one?
Have you read the book?
It still sucks though. :'D I read it now and yeah that blows. Will probably going to end up watching it anyway due to random people wanting to watch it on dvd in half a year or so. :/
HOLY SHIT Eragon was SOO bad. also tl;dr
Now what's more important? For the majority of the world atleast. And hey, I have an ipod and i use Itunes. It both sucks and i hate it both bu i'm too lazy to move all my music and everything to something else. Also yes Zune sucks.
Apple sucks.
^this Also Folklore is NOT a hack and slash
You don't accept Visa? ):