I agree with you on so many levels. He's one of the few secret bosses (Besides Terra's Lingering Will) who have impact on the storyline. and everthing you said makes sense as to why Xemnas said those things to Sora and company.
One Hundred and Twenty Seven.
Lucifer? Now it reminds me of a song that I like... I'll check it out soon. Is it good?
This is awesome! I wish I could draw like that!
Nice signature and Avatar pic. Who is he?
Metal Chocobo and Crabclaw. I really don't like their design.
He's very easy to beat! I just keep on spamming X at his head.
I really, REALLY like SoKai. I just find it sweet that Sora traveled to lots of worlds just to find/save Kairi. And for the fact that they were made for each other.
One Hundred and Twenty Five.
I think the graphics for it would be similar to FFIX, The game would be turn-based instead of an Action RPG, Atlantica would definitely be removed and there wouldn't be any voice acting at all.
Riku's story in the original Kingdom Hearts kind of makes me feel depressed. and for the fact that he succumbed to the darkness makes it even darker. Edit: Hmmm...... Let's see..... Terra, Aqua and Ven's stories in BbS Riku being possessed by Ansem Axel finishing off Vexen while he begs for mercy. The same with Zexion except he was killed by the Riku Replica, who is ordered by Axel. I think that's about it. I would have thought a few more though, but I'm really not sure what other dark moments are there in the KH series..
The Wizard Heartless. Especially when it uses it's lightning attack (Although I spam X at it just so I can avoid the damage.)and it's teleportation powers.
One Hundred and Twenty Three.
One Hundred and Twenty One.
Banned for agreeing with me.
Even though Phantom took the longest time to battle, Ice Titan is the hardest since the game PUNISHES you by using any Aero spell against the Ice Titan, and for the fact that it's pretty hard to dodge it's attacks.
Yeah, let's face it, it's a wooden sword, it's made out of ordinary wood so it does very LITTLE damage.
I got stuck in the Cave of Wonders for like an hour.
One Hundred and Nineteen.
Well, Square haven't added any FF character for the new games, so yeah. The should add new and old FF characters in KHIII.