Sixty Two. I'm watching you, Mish....
Time for number Sixty!
Time for Number Fifty Eight.
Fifty Six. A new member!
Welcome to KH-Vids, Winderps! Please ask any staff member/moderator or look in the FAQs if you have any questions, and you can just ask any one of...
Banned for not liking sleep.
Banned for missing a lot.
Banned for cheering me up.
Fifty Two. Oh, why did they have to be so mean!!!
Vincent Valentine. I just love how mysterious he is at first, and that he didn't tell much of his past.
Banned because I'm stupid.
Fifty. I know right? It's kind of rare to even reach 100.
Spoiler: Show Spoiler View attachment 36057 Nothing special, really. I don't play ROBLOX (anymore). My little sisters still play it.
Banned for... Still got nothing...
Forty Eight. *still throwing a tantrum after what Mish had done* XD
Huh... Well, goodbye then! See you Soon!
Happy birthday, Chevalier!
Banned for.... I've got nothing...
Forty Six. Cool Beans!
Fourty Four. Hey Zeldy! Can I call you that?