hello? um...what about my question before sirs?
everyone loves you miss..... ....* stays hidden....* but..... ....ok then...* kiss*
sir roxas? i...would give it to anyone as long as miss roxas-ckick would accept it... and sir make... do you think i should propose to miss?
my miss? but she... she wants me to be king...and...i'm..failing my order... so i am a king now huh... a king...the bunny king....
how come i am cut-out!!!? hnnng....hnnngg!!! i AM NO KING oh, that means she's not missing much then sir... how are you?
you may become king whenever you want sir... just say the word.... or.... i will have to marry *sob* and then miss roxas-chick wont have an happy ending.... what object sir`?
make...i declare you prince... and...i am not the best male member, gah! come to think of it.... sir make....your loyalty reminds me of....me...
do not worry sir....
....but i was forced to be king.... sir fayt-harkwind and sir what? is obviously smarter and more all.knowing than me and sir roxassora is a lot nicer... but i'm just king because i was the first male member here...
then...as my first order as the bunny king... you shall follow your own path... sir make.... call up a meeting.. gather all the men in the bunny-castle... a new king shall be declared!
will you take my throne...and be the new bunny king...? i am no king...nor am i a leader... you...have the potential of ruling the world with miss roxas-chick... will you do this?
goodbye sir.... and um...sir make... i will make a specail order for you... do you accept?
i await my orders...
that's a harsh diet... i must depart... and when i come back there will be more sadness here... bye sirs...
hm... i also have some chocolate.... would you like some sir? * keeps on drinking*
*drinks blood*
i can't hug... i think if i did.... people would begin commiting suicide after they touched my skin of absolute darkness
although...if i would have been a mortal.... i guess my um.......genitalia would be um....gone! i'm sorry if i have caused any peoblems sir....
what personality did you have sir? bye miss....
i did faint...but luckily i am a heartless and of pure darkness at that...so the effects are not as effective on me as on a mere mortal...