... he is the good side of me...and i the dark side of him... but we have both much in common and a lot of things different about each-other... i'l tell you somewhere else... (email mabye)
no...welcome home...light...
it seems like i'm splitting you apart...damn... um...sir fayt can you help?
i'l tell you later miss but about miss xinia... if your love is so absolute for sir roxas you should either tell him now for your own and his relief or you should stop with the clinging and at least give him time to decide wether you can be with him or not... sorry miss xinia for that...
i'd rather not sir but even if you did, your skin would melt and dissappear upon contact with my body...
can i help somehow? i need to do something here... what happened to miss xinia?
i wish i... your offline sir... how come you can write?
i'm sorry sir...i don't feel like it very much...
my friends....may i tell stay here a little while? i feel horrible...
that sounds pretty strong... i should be weaker...heh...
hm...so in a normal game... how strong do you thin i would get?
i have never played it myself...
oh cool! do i have any base atk ot def? or is it nothing if there's no one in the graveyard?
thank you sir! what about def? am i immortal? that would be cool...
heehee... now you look like me when i'm sneaking in the ground...
hey... they are cool so thank you for the trouble sir!
nice... can you add... umm...spawns lesser shadows as well?
... ... ... ...
...i'm even a bad heartless... *hides*
oh...sorry sir... i guess i found our the reason for your agressiveness then...