Hows life? :B
banhammer .
oh em gee I remember u ::L:
aids .
but WHY doo you love me?
Antidistablishmentarianism. :d
Thts nice. Now get off my lawn.
Wassup homie? Who r u again? D:
^ What is this shit?
oh em gee must fine thread nao
Thanks Dalk. I appreciate it.
If Gary was the main character.
Like Saki said, paintball > lazer tag, but I love going baack to classic lazer tag. That was my life back in the day. I had 3 of my b-days back in the day at a lazer tag joint downtown and it was so badass. One of my friends' parents got robbed there once lol.
Welcome to khv. Enjoy it here and make lots of friends. :3 Read the rule foo.
Rocket Power was my life. ::L:
14 years of underwear? Hmmm. Ill take year 11-14 please. Edit: and a side order of fries
so your mom has aids
your mom has aids?
So I'm going to do it again tonight.