You're one of the more creative members. Weve never spoken due to this.
Whats crackin?
I likes the way you think.
Pretty sweet. Making sigs, gifs, and such. Yourself?
kthnx Its about 1. Imma hit the hay. Peace
np repncredit if you cool wit dat
oh an hai I missed you c:
Ill make a new one as soon as it hits 5000 D: If you miss everyone, post there and I will too.
arent you 18?
You can have my sig. Pick which one you'd like.
Well well well. What have we here? ::L:
::L: a
omg its you. I forgot who you were until I saw Pancake Face. c:
I always thought my name [Austin] was alright. Once you have your name and hear it constantly for a few decades in life, you might find it to get boring and take it for granted, seeing as you were not the one to chose it. It's all based on personal preferance, though I have yet to hear of one person who absolutly ADORES their name. Long story short, I dont mind it, though I wouldve picked something else if given the chance.
Omg its Jacob Two Two I ****ing love this show!
*needs more sig ideas* Anybody?
sai waaaat.
*makes an appearance* IM BAAAAACK :lolface:
It's swine flu.
Austin, regardless of my gender.