The thing is, there really is no other school to go to. The public school here have problems with violence because of religion. Kids get beat up if they're not LDS. Going to the school that I'm at now also has the advantage of my personal safety. Perhaps I'll have to miss a bit of the musical's rehearsal tomorrow to talk to someone about this.
OOC: *cough cough* You do realize that Eric and Ame are pretty much... NUDE. Except for Ame's sea-shells. xD
You have a chicken butt...??
WARNING!! Possible spoilers. List of episodes (just incase): Story: The Teen Titans-- Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven -- have kept Titan City safe from any and all threats to it. There were times when it seemed futile, but they've always pushed through. But everything comes at a price. There have been casualties. Every Titan remembers Terra -- especially Beast Boy. It was said that they'd be "searching for a way to reverse the effect" from her battle with Slade. That is where our story begins; a "cure" has been found for Terra, and a reunion is about to occur. Rules/Notes (it seems like a lot but it's pretty simple stuff): 1) No swearing (however, "damn" is fine) 2) TV-PG people (let's keep it like the show. a little blood is okay.) 3) Arguments go to PM or VM (if you've got a problem with someone you can also PM and I'll help if I can) 4) If you create and OC, DO NOT make them a god (they can have a god-complex though) 5) If you godmod/powerplay/whatever (when it does not fit with rule #6), I will remove your character. I don't care if your character is an OC or one of the Titans. 6) Because fight scenes can be difficult coreograph, you may write another's character (WITH their permission) if you need them or want to write a good scene. (Example: Cyborg and Beast Boy doing one of their many combos.) 7) As Robin or Bumblebee (or if you ask) you may write up formations for everyone. (Example: "Titans! Go!" Robins's clear instruction reverberated off the walls of the Tower. As the five began their way towards the centre of the emergency signal, they fell into positions. Raven levitated over Robin's right shoulder and behind him. Cyborg was carried by Starfire over Robin's left shoulder and behind him. Beast Boy had changed into a falcon and soared between Raven and Starfire. Robin was on his motor cycle.) 8) Original villains are allowed and welcome. However, rule#5 applies to them too. I know villains can be hard to create. Youj've got to have a good motive, you can't be too weak or too strong, and you've got to be malevolent. UNLESS you make what I call a "quack villain." Those can be pretty silly, and they're always fun to dream up. Mumbo Jumbo is a good example. "Quack villains" will come into play during down time at Titan Tower. 9) Addding to rule #1: when I say "no swearing," I mean anywhere. Don't swear at each other either IC or OOC. Instead, you can use any of the wonderful things that Gizmo says (like barf-brain XD). 10) I will let you know when I update the rules/notes. 11) Try to color code. I'm not going to be very picky since it's hard to see colors on this new layout. 12) Put "Titans, go!" in the title of your first post. 13) If you make an OC, they may only have (at the most) three powers (if you chose to have three powers, they must be small. Bad Example: Clark can hurl lightning bolts, shape-shift, and run at the speed of light. Good Example: Clark can shoot lasers from his eyes, has x-ray vision, and is so sexy people drop dead at the mention of his name. lol) 14) If you join late, PM me. DO NOT post a profile on here until I approve it by PM. 15) Use proper grammar and spelling. Character layout: Username: Name: Age (make it reasonable): Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Background: Appearance (description or picture): Characters: *Teen Titans: -Robin (leader): Garxena -Starfire: Friendly_Heartless -Cyborg (2nd in command): LilBueno -Beast Boy: Asterisk -Raven: Scrubbing Bubbles *East Titans: -Speedy (2nd in command): -Bumblebee (leader): -Aqualad: -Mas y Menos: Kme92 *Honorary Titans: -Argent: -Bobby: -Bushido: -Gnaark: -Herald: -Jericho: Kme92 -Hot Spot: -Lightning: -Melvin: -Kid Flash: -Jinx: -Killowat: -Kole: -Pantha: -Red Star: -Teether: -Terra: Garxena -Thunder: -Timmy Tantrum: -Tramm: -Wildebeest: *Major Villains: -Slade: Blood of the Rose -Brother Blood (imprisoned?) -Trigon (deceased) -The Brain (deceased) -Monsieur Mallah (deceased?) -Madame Rouge (deceased) -General Immortus (deceased?) -Blackfire (imprisoned?) -Red X: Aqua_Heart *H.I.V.E. Five: -Jinx (honorary Titan??): -Gizmo: -Mammoth: -See-More: -Private H.I.V.E.: -Billy Numerous: -Kyd Wykkyd: *"Quack" Villains: -Dr. Light: -Mother Mae Eye: -Johny Rancid: -Mad Modd: -Killer Moth: -Control Freak -Adonis: -Mumbo Jumbo: -King of Games: -Puppet Master: Original Characters: -Username: AmericanSephiroth Name: Demetrio Age: he will not say but is estimated in mid 20's gender: male background: he originally was a hero known as justice's assassin(kind of a dark hero type character) but he was falsely accused of murder and decided to show them murder for real and killed 250 people in cold blood side: he is a hireable mercenary but he is in the employ of slade(he has yet to find out of his death because he has already been paid and is going to acheive his objective) but he can easily change sides if the price is right powers: he is able to do energy attacks also he will absorb any thrown at him(so cyborg bumble bee and starfire and blackfire cannot do much to him but likewise strong people have quite an advantage against him) and can fly other: he has a mild god complex and believes no one can beat him appearance: he has black armor a red scarf a glowing sword and deep red eyes he is rather tall as well also kind slender. -Username: Friendly_Heartless Name: Sundra Gender: Female Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": On own for now, but good guy Powers/Ablities: Sundra has the ability to take solar energy and use it for her attacks. But it's not high powered as the sun, it just has intense heat. She can create flame like balls in her hands, levitate to about thirty feet, and has awesome martial art moves to use with her flames in her hands. Weakness: Since her powers come form the sun, obviously she needs solar energy to be able to use her attacks. She can store energy within herself to do night missions and missions that require being indoors, but only so much. Background: Sundra wasn't always Sundra. In fact, she was a by the name of Abby Roger. Both of her parents passed away when she was about eight, and therefore, her uncle took her in. Little did she know her kind uncle was a mad scientist. At the age of eleven, she was taken out of school and stayed in her uncle's house. Then Sundra became the product of his experiments. Her uncle was trying to see if he can store certain energy and elements in a human being, and accidenitly came across one while experimenting on Sundra, thus giving her the ability to absorb and use sunlight (almost like a plant, but different). Sundra escaped from her uncle and has been in hiding ever since then. She's been on her own, trying to find allys to side with and maybe a friend or two along the way. Appearance (description or picture): Sundra has orangish-redish hair that's cut to her shoulder. Part of her hair goes partially in front of her left eye, while her right eye is clearly visible. And she wears a headband in her hair for style. She has a scar on her left temple in a shape of a sun from the days she spent with her uncle. Sundra hazel, brown eyes, she's quite tall 5'5" and slender. She doesn't have an official hero uniform yet since she's been hiding out. For now, Sundra wears blue jeans, and an orange long sleeve shirt which she always rolls up the sleeve to her elbows so they don't catch on fire when she uses her abilties. And she has plain black and white converse which she always loves to wear. She also wears a choker that has a heart bead in the middle. -Username:Xakota Name:Xakota Age (make it reasonable):15 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": Titan(honorary) Background: No one but Xakota knows what his original name was. Even he wishes he could forget it. His one and only power is to manipulate gravity, although this has many functions. He can use this power to reduce the gravity under him, allowing him to fly. He can push ceiling to the ground, causing them to fall on people. he can make one persons own weight so heavy that they can't move. His powers turned out to be so destructive they'd ruin his life. When Xakota, then under a different name, was 13 years old, he was pretty much a regular kid, aside from his powers that only him and his parents knew about. His family was very good at hiding it. Xakota never used his powers in a visible way. Sometimes he'd lighten the fall from the monkey-bars when he was a kid, or make a dodgeball go over his head in a way that could be a coincidence. But absolutely no one knew, no one even guessed. Like any other kid, he had bully troubles. He could stand it, like most kids. he brought extra lunch money, wore steel-toed boots, did everything he could to reduce the pain. It was only when his bully began to mess with the girl he loved that he couldn't handle it. Xakota had, of course, never talked to this girl, but he loved her. That, or his youth made him believe he loved her. One day, he saw his bully, kissing her in the hallway. The minute she left, Xakota pointed his hands at his bully, focusing his energy to the ground under him, and pulled him down as far as he could. He couldn't even scream, he was pushing so hard. After he finally suffocated, Xakota left, more confused than ever. No one knew it was him. The girl never saw him, no one else was in the hall, and Xakota looked far to weak to take that kid on anyway. He was never suspected. The FBI concluded it was some kind of asthma attack. Of course, his parents knew the truth. They knew that their son had killed a bully over a girl. They were incredibly ashamed, barely able to speak to him for a week. When that week was over, they disowned him. They demanded he leave and never come back. He did. He came back a week later, and when the wouldn't let him back in, or even look at him, he pulled the house to the ground. He did this to all the other houses around to make it look like an earthquake. He was never suspected. And since then, he's been away. He changed his name to Xakota after a week. He refused to go live in some orphanage. He figured his powers might land him a spot as some superhero or villain, he didn't really care which. Fate apparently wanted him to be an honorary Titan. Appearance (description or picture): minus the wings and the halo. and the knife. and the headband. -Username: Dexnail Name: Rosera Age (make it reasonable): 18 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": honorary/spy Background: He always been was alwayssurrounded by flowers when he grew up, but his favorite was roses. Before the incident happened, his name was Lucero Rose; he was the son of two very wealthy people. During his jr. high and high school years, he was often considered a rich, stuck up, snobby, pretty boy. Lucero did not mind; he always heard what people said about him, but he did not care because after all he thought all of them were jealousthey were all jealous of him. Then One night, his parents got were shot and he got put into was sent to an orphanage. All that happened when he was 16. Lucero spent 2 two years in the place. until one night. But then late one night an assistant went into his room to witness and saw there was were roses growing around Lucas as he sat down with his knees up covering his face. Lucero had unlocked his ability to form rose petals around him that he could control; and when it touched a surface, it grew roses. Unlike regular roses, these was strong as steel and he could control them, making them grow larger and etc. the like. That is when he learned he had a gift but that it only brought trouble and began the slavery he was forced into. On a rainy thundering night, a man arrived at the orphanage to pick someone to leave with him. This man wanted a special child, one that was unique, and he got some information about what the orphanage learned, making them forcefully telling him. The man arrived at Lucero's room to witness the same thing the assistant did: sparkling red roses was were growing all over the walls and the floor. Theren Lucero looked into the man’s eyes seeing the and saw the evilness. The first act the mysterious man made Lucero do was simply killing everyone at the orphanage. That task did not bother him because Lucero remembered the painful nights of getting beaten up and taken advantage of in that hellish place. Pouring gasoline all over the wooden building then using his roses to lock up the place that had 2 big gallons of gasoline inside. He was made to pour gasoline all over the wooden building, and leave two tanks of it inside. Then he used his roses to lock up the place. Theren the mysterious man gave him the lighted match. Lucero smirked as it touched the flammable liquid, making the fire travel its trail, catching the orphanage inside with kids and adults still inside. A few seconds later, the building exploded, making the slim chances of the people surviving inside reduce to nothing. After the incident, Lucero changed his name to Rosera and became a spy. as He pretended to be a hero so he could get inside information on the Teen Titans. If Rosera quit being a spy and doing what the mysterious man tells him to do, the man would show the world what Rosera did to the people in the orphanage, which would result in him getting the death sentence making him get the death sentence. Appearance (description or picture): -Username: The Joker Name: Jester Age (make it reasonable): Appears to be in 20s, if asked will jokingly reply at times 42. Powers/Abilities: Expert and user of explosives and combat, combat being with a staff with the words "Comedy and Tragedy" etched into it. Uses a gun that will at times shoot out confetti, a spear, or a bullet. Likes to use the staff more. Explosives vary in form, if all else fails he can charge something with energy and treat it as a explosive. Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: One day he just woke up with something that partly mirrors his current clothing. He fealt drugged, and woke up infront of the Titan Tower. At first, he sought an answer for his existance but then figured that if life was a joke he'd tell it to others. Sees his existance as a never-ending performance. Appearance (description or picture): Wears a tatter of clothing he has grouped together from on his time wandering in the streets, over this he wears a black cloack. Enjoys to wear masks, always ones with ether a plain white or black design on them and a wide smile. Username: LilBueno Name: Red Devil (Real name: Dante Verge) Age: 18 Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: Dante grew up in a poor neighborhood with his family during the prime age of superheroes. The news were always filled with Superman's amazing rescues, Batman's unrivaled detective work, etc. Not having any special abilities himself, he wanted to try to be a sidekick. Donning a red Halloween costume in the shape of a Demon, he tried to fight crime by himself, in order to get noticed. He always ended up being saved instead. One night, a couple years ago, a cloaked figure gave Dante a candle and told him that, once lit, the candle will take him to whoever created it. Lighting it instantly, Dante was sent to Neron, a supernatural Demon. The Demon gave Dante a deal: He will be imbued with supernatural powers but will have to serve Neron in the future. Excited at the thought of his own powers, Dante accepted right away. Neron told Dante that he would be called upon to fulfill his end of the bargain in a few years time. Neron gave Dante a Demonic appearance and his own supernatural powers. However, every deal with the Devil is a curse in the guise of a blessing. His new powers made his skin burning hot, reaching temparatures of 200 degree Farenheit. His blood turned into a kerosene-like substance. Because of his skin, he could not get close to anyone without burning them. Because of his appearance, not many people wanted to get close. Calling himself Kid Devil, Dante became a local superhero of his home town. He recently had a mental breakdown. Going insane at the thought of never getting close to anyone, his sanity shattered, causing his personality to match his appearance. After causing lots of havoc, he finally stumbled fell into a river. The shock of cold water cooled his body and he fainted. Waking up down the river, he found himself on the shore, his body steaming. His mental state was normal, but the memories of the terror he caused remained. Afraid he would eventually lapse into a Demonic state again, he started traveling, helping others when he could, but never staying in one place too long. Power/Abilities: Dante has two main powers. The first is short teleportation. He teleport many times but only a short distance. The second is the ability to breathe fire. If he is hit in the stomach, he has trouble controlling his breath. He also has a small healing factor. Small wounds heal faster than normal, but it has no effect on more fatal wounds. His skin is extremely hot, burning on touch and gets even hotter if he gets angry. He has a prehensile tail that can act as an extra arm. Not having any professional training, he relies mostly on freestyle fighting using his teleportation to help. Appearance: Username: Kme92 Name: Krowley (Real name: ????????) Age: ???? (Late teens) Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral Background: The earliest memory Krowley has is waking up next to a riverbank with a book in his hand. Having no recollection of his name or memory, he looked at the only thing he owned for answers: A Book with KROWLEY in big letters on the first page. SO he went by the name he went by. After flipping through the pages, he noticed most of them were blank. The ones that weren't blank had some weird language written on it that he unknowingly understood. He was in the possession of a spell book and trained for months to learn its secrets, but he could only learn 2 spells and still didn't remember anything of his past. On the way to a city, a man in a dark cloak appeared before him. He raised his hands and muttered a chant: Power and strength are yours to command, 1 year is the price you shall pay. You'll suffer inside, but darkness aside, The past shall come rushing your way... The book started to glow, and Krowley gazed with curiosity. He looked up to ask this stranger what he did, but he had vanished. He read the spell aloud. Everything went black and he had fainted. He awoke several hours later in a daze, finding himself surrounded by a burning village and dead bodies everywhere. From that day forward he never used that spell. After leaving the destroyed village, he immediately recalled the name of the man who gave him the book: Magus. Ever since hes walked around the world aimlessly, hoping to find answers from Magus. Every now and then, he has dreams of a girl he once knew, her face was covered by a blue hood so he could never fully see her face. She is the only vision he had since the day by the riverbank Power/Abilities: Over time Krowley had been able to discover 3 of the many spells in the book. 1) Racio: A powerful magic spell which attacks in the form of an element depending on Krowley's thoughts. (Rage=Fire, serious=Earth) 2) Mend: A healing spell 3) Oblivious: A spell he uses as an absolute last resort. It takes 1 year off his lifespan but allows him to Triple his magic power but he can't tell who's friend or foe.. He simply attacks whoever he feels rage towards. In his subconcious he reclaims a past memory he had forgotten. After using this spell once, he nearly destroyed a city and remembered the name of the man who gave him the book. Appearance: Username(s): Dexnail and Blood of the Rose Name: PyroKnight(Pyro) Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan: villain(turncoat Titan) Appearance (description or picture Background: Cloned from Robin's DNA while he was Slade's apprentice. After Slade died and was ressurected by Scath. Slade's actual intentions were to have Scath fuse clone Robin with Slade but make him a copy. He always tried to deny his fate, knowing the clues Slade left behind for him. He does not want the life his creator gave him. So he tried his best to run away from Slade but the man always found him. During the years of getting trained by Slade he felt empty cause after all he created to bring forth distruction nothing else. One day his life got some light shined on it Pyro was found by the Teen Titans and got accepted to live with them. Sadly he kept getting nightmares every night and he became very carefull when he was alone as if he is scared Slade will find him and make his destiny come true. Username: Asterisk Name: Flint Clark Age (make it reasonable): 16 Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Side of good, no appearance made yet, and not a Titan. Background: A young man with ambition. Flint was born to two people with great minds, bestowing the urge to learn onto him via genes.His school life was casual until he met with Cyborg (Before the change) and realized he had a love for technology too. The two shared interests and thoughts frequently and soon became friends, but one day he didn't come back to high school. Disappointed, Flint continued his High School life and decided to leave his Junior Year. Later he had learned of the Teen Titans and wondered if he should help them with the city, but thought that he would just get in the way. He had no real powers ..but that was the spark that caused him to develop a suit to help fight evil.Within six months, with every component he could think of in that time, and with all the trouble of getting the parts, it was complete. He wasn't aware of his old friend already being a core member of the group, but that may just change.. Appearance (description or picture): Powers/Abilities: Outside of his suit, his mind and strategical skills get the job done when he cannot rely on his weapon. With the suit, it contains a modified assault rifle that the prison guards normally use which remains locked onto his back magnetically. A radar that can be extended from short to long, a radar jammer that can be shot from his wrist. An electrical wire that can attach to his enemy to give them a painful, electric shock. A jetpack that works for long range leaps and building scaling(Recharge takes at least ten seconds). Personal shields that help protect against lasers, fire, and frost. Water proof for a short time, cannot be exposed to deep water (ocean or lake ..down under) for too long or the suit will shut down. A tracking device that he can shoot onto people(capacity of 2).Carries two stun grenades.A blow torch can be used from his wrist.A city map is also installed into his system. Finally ..oh, and he can modify the suit as necessary for all kinds of uses ..such as underwater missions, stealth missions, etc etc.. Weaknesses: Without this suit, he is as harmless as Beast Boy would be without his shapeshifting. The suit forming altogether takes a total of fifteen seconds before most systems can even be used.He is also somewhat vulnerable to electric attacks.And he's heavy ..dunno how its a weakness but now you know. :D oh's the suit..
The school provides a good education (except for the religious part), and my parents want me to be Catholic. I've kind of become numb to the daily prayer and monthly mass and stuff. >> However, the school (faculty and teachers) is always saying how this a loving environment and you don't have to be Catholic to go to this school. Yet problems like mine happen all the time. Nothing is ever done about them. I want it to stop. I might not care a whole lot, but someone else might. Like my friend. I know he cares, he just can't say anything.
Alrighty. So today in my American Lit class, we went over a speech by a Puritan minister called "Sinners." It's a famous sermon. All he talks about is how humans suck and we're all going to burn in Hell for enternity. I'll admit that I wasn't really paying attention. I'm athiest (and I go to a private Catholic school. See an issue?) so I don't believe that anyone, especially myself, is going to burn in Hell after death. Not pleasant to think about. So then my teacher pointed at each of us and said that we're going to burn in Hell unless we do something to change ourselves. Excuse me? I don't think she has any right to say that kind of thing to us; regardless that I don't believe in that stuff. So after we read the rest of the sermon, she asked our opinions on it and how we would have felt if we were there when the sermon was being given. Frankly, I wanted to say, "I think that's a load a of bullcrap. I would have left by the third sentence." But I didn't. I raised my hand and said that I wouldn't be scared because I'm athiest and I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or that stuff. So then she looked at me like I was some spawn of the Devil or something. She then told me that she didn't want my opinion, she wanted to know what I would have thought if I was a Puritan and I was hearing that speech. What the crap? She asked for my opinion. She didn't let me speak again. She picked my friend who had his hand raised. He's also an athiest. He said nearly the exact same thing that I did. My teacher said, "Oh, so we have another athiest in the class, do we?" Rude much? I think so. She then proceeded to emphasize how wrong my friend and I were in our beliefs. Afterwards, she once again told us all that we're going to burn in Hell. I think it's wrong of her to bash on my beliefs, and my friends as well, during class. I don't really if she doesn't like the fact that we're athiests, I can deal with that. She's just a rude person altogther. (The other students call her Crazy Azzi.Donna Azzi is her name.) Should I tell the administration about this? The school always talks about how loving and kind it is. I haven't had this problem with any of my other teachers, not even my religion teacher. My friend won't say anything about it because he's not that type of person, but I'm not afraid to get in someone's face if I've got a problem with them. I've thought of talking directly with Azzi, but she actually does kind of freak me out. She's very intimidating. I don't want to just let this slide, but I don't want to make a huge deal about it either. What should I do??
Guess what. =D
OOC: You know you like him! XD BIC: "What's not to understand? A ditzy, cute girl and an overprotective brother," Nicholas shrugged. "Can't be that complicated."
Beatrice looked slowly to Carl, a smile spreading across her lips. "Hello, Carl." She seductively returned his greeting, pacing towards him. "Beatrice!" Michael shouted. With Carl distracted by the horses, Beatrice had nearly gotten him from behind. "Back away from him, Beatrice." He tried to keep his own voice steady and authorative. Damn them... Hannah's thoughts became clouded. Her attention was fully on the scent of blood. She could see the people in her mind, hear their screams, almost taste their blood. Her eyes closed, one eyebrow raised, her head tilted to one side. Instinct was telling her to go outside, but common sense was telling her to stay put. Blood... blood... I want it.... Yes, I want it.
The scent of blood washed over Beatrice's delicate nose. What had brought about this sudden spill of blood? The question only grazed Beatrice's thoughts. It didn't matter what caused it, she was hungry. Why not join in? Then she picked up Carl's scent coming closer. He'd always smelt especially good to her, now was no exception. Michael's nose burned with the smell of blood. The overpowering scent took his hypersensitive lycan senses by surprise. Fighting to resist the urge to go towards the source of the blood, he ran back to Beatrice. This had to be too much for her. Hannah's hand gripped Edward's, the other covering her nose. She'd never experience such a sensation as this. Blood seemed to be everything. She'd thought it was tempting as a vampire, but as a lycan, it was worse ten fold. Keeping her hand in Edward's was the only thing stopping her from bursting out the door to join in the feeding. "I can't go out there...." Hannah's voice was barely audible. Her eyes were the bright red of a rising sun. OOC: I'm making a Teen Titan's thread!! :D
Psssst.... guess what. ....... ....... ....... "I like cereal."
teehee! Someone misses me. =)
"I wouldn't go to her," Michael advised when he and Carl crossed paths. "She's in a foul mood." OOC: you guys realize i haven't read any of the "dracula and sexy babes" stuff? xD
"Come to think of it," Nicholas began. "No one really knows much about the two of 'em. I mean, there's the obvious stuff -- like characteristics. Lucca's got a god-complex and Mia is fascinated with everything she sees. Heck, there are times when I think she's never walked before in her life. But her looks pass up her dumbness any day. All the guys at school talk about her, but none of 'em dare go near her 'cause of that brother of hers. Except me. Don't get me wrong, you two are quite a catch yourselves, but Mia's my goal for this year."
OOC: I'm here!........ What's goin' on?
"A little more time with you two broads won't hurt, I guess," Nicholas grinned. If he wasn't holding his board and shoes, he would have put his arms around the girls; instead, he jerked his head in a 'follow me' motion. As he walked, he said, "So you're friends with the famously ditzy Mia, huh? I haven't seen you two at school -- but then, Mia did just transfer from... wherever. It'd be real nice to have two more cuties to spice up the boringness of school. Plan on joining?"
*shrug* Meh, I'll live. xD
I'm getting over being sick and I've got rehearsals pretty much every hour of my life now. ><
"I've heard that before," Nicholas replied to Abby with a little too much bravado, then addressed the girls, "I guess I'm not reeling you two in. They went down the beach that way." He pointed a thumb over his shoulder.