Oh, I don't go to youtube anymore because it can give computers viruses.
Ha, if it isn't, it is now.
Tiring and grumpifying.... If that's a word. ><
Ben's grinned widened, seeing the trees change. "She's sure here!" He said to Aidou and Aduial. "Nassy!! Where are you?" Aidou's frown deepened. He wouldn't go to anyone who called in such a sing-song voice. The only thing that even slightly lifted his spirits at the moment was the darkening sky. It was much more comfotable for him. And since they were getting close to town, why not stop in for a snack?
"Terra will have to wait," Robin decided after a moment of thought. "Let's get back to the Tower." He flipped his communicator shut -- not wanting to hear Beast Boy's protests -- and looked to the two people in front of him. While he wanted to stay and find out what the heck had happened, he had to get back to the Tower with the rest of the Titans. OOC: This moves a lot a night because that's the only time I'll be on until the play is over... >> Dexnail, and AmericanSephiroth: This is your first official warning. I DO NOT want to have to tell ANYONE to follow rule #15 again. LilBueno: Hey, if you can call me Angybear, then I can call you Jeffypoo. xP If anyone ever called me Angie-anything in real life, they'd lose their reproductive organs. D< Just ask Angydoodle. She can tell you horror stories. Scrubbing Bubbles: It's all good. I know Raven and Starfire aren't very involved at the moment. However, Raven will play a big part once we get to Terra.
Ben grabbed Aduial's hand and tugged her forward. "C'mon, let's look for her!" Aduial smiled and let Ben pull her along. He seemed to excited to meet up with this other summon that she didn't deter him. He'd described what she looked like so Adiual had her eyes open for anyone who fit the description. Aidou loosely folded his arms and followed the two. ------ "I've my dagger," Sameire answered Gemini. "You don't have to worry about me. Tristan and I sparred all the time. I can hold my own against an enemy." OOC: Is it day time or night time?
OOC: That was his one time of the year to call me that and get away with it. D<
OOC: Yay for eight balls! :D ............................... >> .................... That sounded so wrong... ><' BIC: "We're going to find my old friends, now right?" Ben asked. The whole boat ride back, he'd only talked about the other summons that he knew. The one he was particularly fond of was one he called Nassy. Ben didn't realize it, but neither Aidou nor Aduial had any idea who he was referring to. Aduial, still happy because Ben was happy, nodded to the summon. "It's fine with me, Ben." "If it will help us to win this war, then so be it," Aidou repeated what he'd stated several times already. He didn't exactly like Ben's constantly cheerful mood. "Along the way, maybe we can pick up some sweets!" Ben laughed. He was so looking forward to seeing his Nassy again. Without giving either of them a word of advance notice, Ben took Aidou and Adiual's hand in his own. There was a swirl of air, as though it sucked the oxygen from your lungs, and a blinding light. Aidou swore fouly the moment he could breathe again. He instantly took his hand out of Ben's. "What did you do, Ben?" Aduial asked, eyes wide. As she looked around, she noticed that their surroundings were not the same. "Teleportation," Ben stated simply with a wide smile. "It's one of my fun skills. Do you like it? It's a bit hard to do with two other people, but it's still fun to spin around, right?" "Just... give us a warning next time, okay?" Aduial requested. "So, is this where you think your, um, 'Nassy' is?" Ben nodded. "Mmhm! I can tell. She's hear alright."
OOC: *nods* Yeah, I just haven't put everyone up yet. I'm thinking of doing that now... but I'm still lazy. xD
"Another ghost?" Danny asked inquisitly.
OOC: It's better that Robin doesn't know about Slade. Kme92, that blue is Raven's color.
OOC: *huggles Jeffypoo* That was cute! AmericanSephiroth, alright then. I'll say that it affected Robin, and I'll put that in parenthesis in the bio. BIC: Robin shook his head and blinked his eyes under his mask. What was he doing outside? Why was there a hole in the ground by him? Wasn't he just in the T-Car on the way to Terra? Taking out his Communicator, he radioed the T-Car's frequency. "Titans?"
OOC: AmericanSephiroth, that power is not in your bio. It can't be used. Dexnail, that's better. ^^
OOC: I love you, Angie!! :'D You make me sooooooooooooooooo happy! Hey, Pezzypoo? Can Aduial, Ben, and Aidou magically be back to the mainland now? xD Tee~hee~
OOC: *sigh* Okay, guys, I didn't want to have to do this so early. But I'd rather address this now than later. Tsukasa and Dexnail, let me know first when something like this happens again. I'll let it go for now. Dexnail, make Slade more vicious. Remember how cruel Slade was to Terra and Robin? Write him like that. He wouldn't let Demetrio get away with something like that so easily. AmericanSephiroth, once again, FOLLOW RULE NUMBER FIFTEEN. And, a question here, what just happened to Robin? Everyone else, you're fine.
"Slade?" Robin exclaimed. Trying to compose himself, he continued, "That's impossible. Terra finished him." OOC: yeah, colors are good. ^^
Robin didn't let his guard down. An introduction like that usually wasn't a good thing. His hand moved to his utility belt. "Sorry, but you're going to have to give me a bit more information than that."
Robin waved a hand that told the Titans to go on without him. He got out and addressed the stranger, "Who's asking?"
OOC: I don't want to have to say this again, guys: "FOLLOW RULE NUMBER 15!" Do NOT put a 'z' at the end of a word unless you are trying to be goofy in OOC. If you don't know how to spell a word, LOOK IT UP. It's 'beauty' not 'beutty'. Remember to put apostrophes in contractions. Write in proper paragraphs, not stage directions. This really isn't that hard. One last thing, either Rosera or Dante needs a color change. BIC: "Cyborg! Stop the car!" Robin yelled. Terra had momentarily left his mind at the site of the about-to-be-crushed girl.
Mmhm, like "Haunted." When I first saw that, I wasn't sure if Robin was halucinating or not. I felt really bad for him. =[