OOC: Alrighty then. Who wants Cyborg?
Desert Punk It was very good, funny, and inappropriate. xD My sister and I loved it!
"I'm not going to eat her," Aidou drawled. He was really starting to dislike Nas. "You can trust him Nassy," Ben tried to assure her. But at Aidou's glare, he shrank back to Aduial. "Even if he is really scary..." Aduial put a hand on Ben's shoulder, forgetting for a moment how much older he was than she. "Then what is it you want to do, Aidou?" "She must have some idea of what is going on here. I plan to simply ask her what she knows," Aidou turned his eyes to Nas. "Are you quite finished?"
In half the time it takes a human to blink, Hannah had her hand on Mary's throat and pinned her against a wall. Trying to restrain herself from ripping the vampire's head off, she spoke with a growl, "You don't have to do this. You don't have to be Dracula's pet." ------ "Beatrice, you've got to listen to me," Michael spoke softly after he'd nodded his understanding to Van Helsing. "Close your eyes and just listen to me." When she pulled against his hold, he gently placed a hand over her eyes. "Just listen. Beatrice, remember your home. Picture it with every detail in your mind. Describe it to me. Tell me about your family. Tell me more about Sorin. Everything."
"It's this one," Mia told Sakura as she pointed to the apartment complex two buildings down. She added in a whisper, "I think it's smart how two-leggers share one big house." Lucca led them inside and into the elevator. "Don't freak out, alright?" He addressed Sakura. The doors closed and he pressed the luminecent button that had the number 7 on it.
ZOMG! I can't believe he said that! D: I just watched episode 4 today. Caitlin was super cute. xD
"Thank you," Aduial returned Nas's smile. Ben hopped off Aduial's back and stood in front of her, his expression one of mock seriousness. Then he grinned again. "Now you're even prettier!" "Enough of this foolishness," Aidou interjected calmly. "There are more serious things that need to be attended to. Aduial, my mother spoke of rumors she heard. It is said that a princess has a bounty on her head. If she is alone, we should make her our priority." "Someone's in trouble?" Ben asked, his small voice filled with worry. "Do you know about her, Nassy?"
Ben exaggerated a frown, his eyes becoming sad and pityful. "You... you don't like her?" It was truly sorrowful to see the tiny summon so pathetically cheerless. Aidou kept his eyes on Nas. He didn't like the way she circles Aduial -- like she was something to eat. Her cool tone bothered him as well. Now that the stars were out and the air became a bit more brisk, Aidou felt ready to get going. Ben had had his little reunion. Now it was time to leave and search for the source of this war. Aduial looked to Aidou. To her, he seemed very... grumpy. He'd had his "dinner" already, but that hadn't improved his mood. She guessed that it was Ben's constant cheerfulness that bothered him.
OOC: Kme92... that was so cute! :D Mind doing that for us from now on? ^^ Robin fired the grappling hook; a little smirk came to his face as the wire whizzed towards its target. Let's see them get into the Tower when they can't move.
Hannah didn't see why Edward didn't just let her go. Why couldn't she just kill the vampire and save them the trouble of dealings? Her fingers twitched with readiness to rip the newborn apart. ------ I don't think Beatrice can handle this," Michael replied to Jinx. Glancing around the barn, he saw nothing that could hold Beatrice if he let go and went with Jinx and Van Helsing. Carl certainly wouldn't be able to stay with her. "I'll figure something out. You all go on ahead."
Aidou didn't blink. He stared right back at the summon, his ice blue eyes narrowing. He didn't like it when people -- anyone -- got into his personal space. Just when he was about to tell Nas as rudely as possible to back off, Ben spoke. "That's right," Ben said cheerfully. "But the scary guy isn't my master this time. It's this pretty girl!" He hopped onto Aduial's back, smiling from ear to ear. "Don't you like her?"
OOC: My sister got a text from Lil sayin' that he won't be able to get on the internet until today.... Oh. TODAY. xD I'm smart... >> *cough* Anyway! I've got rehearsal until 6 today (I'm in Utah for you time zone people). I'll see if I can get on at home tonight. Robin (because he's maaaagical & we never see how he gets to most places so fast O.o) has arrived at Titans Tower. When he saw Krowley outside at the Tower's doors, he assumed that it was he that had set off the security system. Without a second thought, Robin reached to his utility belt and took out his grappling hook. He had to immobilize the perpetrator without being seen, so this tool was perfect for the distance-ambush.
Tired and busy. It's getting closer to Anime Banzai and the opening of the school musical. But it's a lot of fun too.
This group has blown me away! I found them last night when I was looking up what guests would be coming to Anime Banzai. This is there webiste: http://www.ichidan.com/main/ They're a traveling group of actors/actresses that go to convention and perform plays! Their Kingdom Hearts saga is really very good. I recommend that everyone watch it. It's a four part series (only the first two parts are on YouTube at the moment). The parts are titled: Kingdom Hearts: Another side, Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade War, Kingdom Hearts: Master of the Keyblade, and Kingdom Hearts: The Conclusion. However, each part is about an hour and a half; make sure you've got time to watch them because you won't want to stop! If you have trouble hearing what they're saying (the audio is a bit rough), the scripts are on the website. Ichidan combines the perfect mix of humor, passion, and sme angst. Their performance of Fullmetal Alchemist: The Black Gate brought Vic Mignogna (Ed Elric's voice actor) to tears. Check 'em out and give me your opinion. And if you like 'em, see if they're coming to a con near you! :D
Woohoo! :D It's so nice to have a date! I'm sad to hear that Aaron won't be voicing Al again, but I'll support Maxey as much as I did Aaron. ^^
Hannah put a hand on Edward's shoulder. She was more fit than he to take on a new-born. Don't worry about me. She's a new-born, Edward. Her fangs could do more damage than mine.
It was a joke. lol
You need to get into MORE ANIME. xD
*takes a deep breath* -Fullmetal Alchemist -Fullmetal Alcehmist: Brotherhood -Naruto -Naruto: Shippuden -Shuffle! -Negima! -Fruits Basket...