My bro! Whats been going down playboy?
Just was wondering how long ago my friend was on...
Oh... I see.
Oh haha I see. Oh and whats today?? I loose track of the date.
[IMG] Good times
I thought myu was a girl...
Oooh I think you like someone. ::L::
Aha, so who's would ou say is your best friend on here?
why'd you get grouded? For kicking holes in walls?
Sure, whats going on
Yea, but i came back for my friend.
...Hmm... Not really just... I had to gather my ****. Y'know?
Oh man that sucks I actually thought y'all to made a sweet couple.
Hey. =)
I'm pretty depressed too my gf dumped me and i just feel like snapping and breaking the things around me and I just haven't felt like me lately....
eh, decent enough. you
yo .
I've just seen two. On were his brother kept dieing and the other.. I forget.
hey .