He's cocky, and fun. But he's also a betrayer, and adds an element of confusion and surprise to the plot.
Indeed. :lolface:
We have a pornography section? Or is it like premiums only kind of thing?
1.... Is this possible?
Being unrainbowed.
Im proud of you beause you can now teach :lolface:
To what degree?
Gunbound. Or gunz. Im playing Gunbound now :) PM me if you want to meet up :)
Who here has played assassin's creed? I have, and it's awesome :D I'm going to get the next one, when it comes out :D http://ps3.ign.com/objects/143/14302494.html Whoops, sorry, there's already a thread for this. Please lock :)
I'm wondering whether I should save up and buy it - the PS3 seemed like a win/lose situation because it's expensive but the graphics are awesome. :/
i finished Toaru Majustu no Index recently. It was quite funny, but the plot was weird.
sortanorreally. He was justified in the sense that they came after him. However, he just attacked them relentlessly, with pleasure.
I didn't understand it .
I'd have to say Role Models. It's really weird. Between sex and telling kids what to do, and looking at a guy play a geek character who likes to play an RPG in real life.
I have. But then again, i had to go to multiple places to search for it. And also, it's an illegal copy. And you still have a chance to buy it in ebay.
Monkeys. Everywhere in my country. If you feed them, then they ask for more. If you don't feed them the second time, they attack. They kick and bite. Hard.
No because either learn Japanese, or just listen to them speaking. You won't die. And also, the producers of KH2 have already made the desicion not to, because they think that they will not generate enough sales. And anyways, if you don't understand, there are loads of translatons and interpretations on the site. I think that there were loads of these kind of discussions before. Oh well.
same too. then, i notice something else in the book later. :lolface:
I've read all his books on horror up to date. They're quite good. I think that Lord Loss is the best though. Really gory, and extremely descriptive.
I want to see it. But i'm sick now :( I saw the trailer and it looked really cool with the bits where they avoid all the misslies :D