Shifty eyes also! :D
I found the ability digits. Does anybody know the actual code for final form's abilities so that i can replace them? thanks :)
haha thanks :) we're friends now :D
By last page of topic, i assume you mean the very first? Anyways, could somebody post the codes up please?
lol i know but that guy said that it was released. My source is seriously misinformed. :)
I thought there was no emulator talk on-site? :O
wow thats quite screwed up :( anyways, when i used roxas, and changed keyblades, it didnt affect what happened afterwards. I (think) that when he changed to sora after that, sora had the keyblade that i had given roxas (not sure about this) so in theory, it should not affect anything that happens afterwards. Of course, cheating is something which relatively is not programmed for the game. hope this helps :)
... Why would the creators kill their money ticket? i mean, they've been earning loads since then. Why would they just kill him?? :O
Chinese food mostly. well, im chinese so it was bound to happen :) and above all, rice :D
arrgh. i screwed up my file because i used the All forms have Glide and Aeriel dodge T_T now i can't finish the cavern of remembrance because the final form doesnt have a glide ability - it was replace with aeriel dodge... is there a way to un-repalace it or replace that ability back with the old one?
Hey guys, thanks for all of it :)
lol Sterotyping is good and bad in loads of ways firstly, police people sterotype alot (at least what i see on TV anways) so like they sterotype druggies by seeing them hang in the alley with a hoodie over them... in some ways, this is good, but the saying "dont judge a book by it's cover" also applies. So... try not to let others think of you as a weirdo. Just ignore them, as the princpal of sterotyping is used in many modern societies. Hope this helps :)
Maybe it's a different type of insomnia?
oh wow i like that you breath KH but thats kinda scary, i mean, where would you get KH air?? O_O
Hey hi there have a great time in Kh-vids :)