"This place... isn't real." He said.
OOC: Sorry I've been kinda busy BIC: Eddy skidded when he turned the corner and almost ran into several people. When he saw Hayden he stopped in front of her. He was breathing hard between words and said: "Hayden quick I have to tell you something I found out!"
"Don't worry. Lucario, Aura Cloak us." He said. Lucario came out from behind the wall and created a small Aura Cloak around them. "Now just be quiet and he won't notice us." He whispered.
Well for now I'll continue but I'll get it moved later _______________________________________________________________________________________ While they were fighting Alaric put away his Keyblade and began charging his energy. "Tristan cover me!" He said. Tristan nodded and moved closer so as to protect him from the Heartless for whatever he was doing. When his move was charged he said: "You might wanna move." Tristan pushed his way through the wave of Heartless and took cover. "DARK BLADE!!!" He yelled. Suddenly a huge blade at least three times the size of Alaric materialized out of the darkness and landed in his hand. He rested on his shouder for a moment. Then in one swing all the Heartless were gone. The blade dissapeared and Alaric knelt down for a moment, breathing hard. "And that was?" Tristan asked. "One of my most powerful techniques." He replied standing but still not breathing evenly. So they continued on with the huge castle in sight and more determination then ever. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Mexofina came apon the huge door at the top of the castle and tried to open it with her Keyblade. Strangely it didn't open. She sighed. She knew this would happen. Mexofina knew she needed at least two other Keyblade weilders. But where would she find two more? _______________________________________________________________________________________ During all of this Riku and Rei continued on their path through TWTNW. "Hey Riku?" Rei asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "What's Destiny Island like?" She had asked this many times. "Ugh for the last time it's a beautiful place surrounded by a small ocean where if you catch the sunset is astonishing." He sighed. "I only wish I could be there now." "Don't worry we'll be there soon enough!" She said. Rei always liked to keep on the bright side. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Jackylyn on the other hand was busy mixing more ingredients into a small pot. She hoped this would work.
Catonis stood casually against the corner wall watching the the boys searching around. Thankfully Lucario had completly hidden their presence using his Aura powers. Mr. Woofs stood clinging to his leg, still thinking they might be seen. When one of them took off the Galactic suit he was sure they weren't with them. So he signaled Lucario to close the Aura Cloak, allowing them to be seen. "You look like you need a little help." He said.
oh sorry then.
CF flew out of the stage and shortly after slammed into a tall blond swordsman. OOC:Oh and by the way everyone yes you can control any NPC as long as you keep to the NPC's personality. i.e. you can't like suddenly make Master Hand a good guy.
When he got back to his room Eddy took out his laptop and began searching. "O. 13 high." He said aloud while searching on google. His yes opened wide in shock. The others weren't going to believe this.
He probably wasn't killed but was transported somewhere. Or maybe he was mutated or shrunk. If Riku could turn back to normal then who knows?
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's what the guy above me said.
Well I'm pretty sure I'm half German and half Irish. But I'm not really sure due to my dad never knowing his parents.
Yeah I think so. S. Sora was actually kinda cool. I think he could have really shown Sora what he could have been. But no. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a boss.
hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*Bursts blood vessel in neck*
Played by: XcatisX Character Name: Catonis Personality: Rarely speaks and has a strong air about him. Original Region (can be from the currently safe region(s)): Sinnoh Current Region: Sinnoh Age: 14 pokemon team: 1.maleLucario, 2. male Riolu nickname: Mr. Woofs, female Blaziken, male Grovyle Appearance: Kind of Trainer: Wanderer Gender: Male TADA!!! and yes I do have a Riolu named Mr. Woofs.
"Ow ow ow!" CF said holding his foot. "Grrrr Falcon PUNCH!" Roxas on the other hand was running towards a tall swordsman with blue hair and fancy armor.
Yeah you can be evil and I'm not sure how to put a pic from paint in unless you put it on the internet.
Alrighty then I kinda like this. Name- Zeki Age- 21 Appearance- SOLDIER/TURKS?- Turks Class- ummm the highest I guess. Gender- Male Weapon-(approved by me) Two long swords (They are about half the length of Sephy's sword and are made of silver, have a small loop at the bottom of the handle and a simple cross guard with a leather handle) Powers- Very fast and can see auras. personality- Is very powerful but doesn't show off or even mention it. He prefers to use his aura powers to heal people. Is very quiet and peaceful but is afraid of ghosts and demons so he wears silver pendents and necklaces to keep them away (also explains the silver swords.) bio- Was young when his parents were killed so he became a Turk so that nobody he cared about would die anything else?- not really.
well I might as well. I'll be the lawyer. I'll also be Riku since Riku and him were close.
Name: Eddy Age: 17 Home World: Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden Species: (human, animal, Heartless, Nobody) human Appearance: Bio: Was once very peaceful but when these events happened he began to fight. He uses gloves to fight. (Red= Fire, Blue= Water, Green= Nature, Gray= Wind, Black= Darkness, Yellow= Light, Purple= Phychic) to use them he snaps his fingers (His left hand) and a large burst of the elemental energy will go in the direction he snaps in. Personality: very funny and overall happy but will become serious when he has to.
Is it too late to join?