Metal Gear 1- Snake: "Metal Gear! I'd best destroy it so no more can be made!" Metal Gear 2- Snake: "Metal Gear!? This is the last time we meet!" Metal Gear Solid- Snake: "Metal Gear!!?? It can't be!!" Metal Gear Solid 2- Raiden: "Metal Gear!? I'm such a ripoff of Grey Fox!" Metal Gear Solid 3- Snake: "Metal G- uh Shagohod!?!? What's going on?!" Metal Gear Solid 4- Snake: "Metal Gear?!?!?! What's going on? Why am I so old? Why am I in the desert? Why do they keep making these games?" See just like the title says. Look at the Metal Gear Flash coolab on Newgrounds for most of these quotes.
Damn you for making me choose! Well....Shadow The Hedgehog, Riku, Roxas, Luigi, Young Link (I like the younger version better. So what!? Sue me.), Meta Knight, the list goes on. But of all time... Geno is the man!!!
Well fun and free... There's always Maplestory. But then again if you want 3-D then Mabinogi's always a good choice.
Welllll I liked this game. It was fun and although the vehicles were a waste of time the guns and such actually kind of added to the whole "I will kick your f**kin' a**!!!" Thing that Shadow had going on. He's my favorite Sonic character and I'm happy he got his own game.
3/10 You are??.... Eh?
Drumroll please. Nico Nico Douga Kirbomix! By Kirbopher15 on Newgrounds. It's hilarious.
I've heard this game is really good so I'm thinking of buying it.
One word. What?
Cool welcome. You'll have lots of fun here. I know I did! :D Hello goodbye.
Very good but the curiosity and such is more of a Roxas thing. :D
If she'll take something well you might want to just get you and her alone somewhere and use the direct approach. But your idea works too. Good luck :D
Fire. Wind. Earth. Water. Space/Time. All of these are the basic elements that the world is made up of.
Rascism is just wrong. The Race titles? CRAP! Calling the Chinese yellow? What the hell's up with that? Do they look yellow to you? I don't think so. White? White is wrong too. I can see several colors on my skin but not one of them is white. Black? "Black" people are more brown then anything and more often then not they are more of a caramel sort of color. Grrr those racist people make me just wanna strangle them! It's just so wrong I can't even say how wrong it is! I feel very angry right now. Those people are evil. Worse then robbers or murderers or any law-breakers. Racism doesn't even make any sense! Why does the color of your skin make you different from someone else? It doesn't! People with Asian heritage have contributed so much not to mention African Americans. Think about it. If you're African American or Indian or Asian or European are you different from an American? Nope. You should be proud of your heritage. I myself am very proud of my heritage. Man I feel better now that I've said that. Thank you. ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
Well recently: I AM YOUR LORD AND MASTER! Also: Geno Whirl! or Falcon Punch! (at random times.)
Cannot stand the sight of a smiley face :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
isn't sad.
location isn't classified. *sniff* that was very hurtful.
Now I'm just rating their coolness on this one but... 1.Roxas (duh) 2.Xigbar (as if) 3.Demyx (Sitar. Nuff said) 4.Axel (Got it memorized?) 5.Lexaeus (Yes. number 5.) 6.Luxord (He's pretty cool) 7.Saix (lol) 8.Xaldin (Sure his hair's wierd but well...) 9.Xemnas (eh) 10.Marluxia ( *cough* gay *cough cough* 11.Vexen ( no comment) 12.Larxene (lol) 13.Zexion (that's right raging fangirls)
Dude I'm just saying that's my opinion. I mean I believe that's mostly for RPG gamers but don't take it so seriously. I just tried to say that a lot of gamers mostly those who play RPGs know about FF. That's all!!! End of arguement!!! Sheesh. I don't like to be rude you know!! I'm usually a very care-free person!!!
Well I'd hate to miss a chance to torture a nice person so.... _______________________________________________________________________________________ Is Geno the coolest Mario character ever? Do you believe I'll kill you if you don't answer yes to the question above? Do you even know who Geno is? Can you touch your tounge to your nose? Can you guess who my favorite KH character is? Are you really the Cookie Queen? Do you know the Muffin Man? Have you ever looked at a piece of art and said: "I could've made that!"? Do you prefer Rock or Rap? Are you magical? Can you read minds? Can I have a cookie? Would you believe that I killed someone using an etch-a-sketch? If you were trapped in a room with no doors, windows, etc. and all you had was a paper clip, a rubber band, and a piece of string, could you escape? Am I annoying you? Are you tired of these questions? If someone said: "Zipdabbitydooglemccripinheimerzadoodle!" Would you understand them? Do you think this is my last question? You were incorrect to that last question weren't you? If you found a wallet what would you do? Is someone forcing you to answer these questions or are you answering them willingly? What's heavier 100 pounds of bricks or 100 pounds of feathers? Are you bored? Do you hate me for asking such silly questions? Can you not wait for your revenge? What do you call a cupcake in a tutu? _______________________________________________________________________________________ That'll do.