And YOU spelled "Isn't It Pretty" wrong.
If your internet has eyebrows, I think you have more important problems to tackle.
That's why you have to go for "Most Consistently Awesome" rather than "The Best of the Best."
What kind of dummy has a favorite number? Anything in the purple family. May.
Every time he played Dark Souls.
Britain gets all Marvel movies first as an apology for Captain Britain.
And that's a memory.
Halo: Combat Evolved PC version, of course. And the demo, with only Blood Gulch. Ah, memories.
We should all play the Halo demo together sometime. You know, like we used to.
Two Gendos walk into a bar. Rei is the bartender. Each Gendo says, "I'll have a yebisu." Rei responds, "If I'm ordered to, I will."
I'm going to laugh when you step on a rotten egg.
You'll probably also love Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. It's pretty much Kill la Kill on steroids.
At least keep the signature that Amby made. It's the last constantly visible remnant of her on this site.
U-um... c-could you, I mean if it's okay... uh... See, I don't just want this l-logo f my avatar... uuummmmm... WOULD BE PLEASE DRAW ME FEARLESS-SAN? BLUSH I-I did it! I asked her to draw me!
Is this at all related to OSU! TATEKAE! OUENDAN!?
Spoiler You've got it backwards. The Original wasn't integral to Ragyo's plan, she was integral to its plan. Well, not its plan, exactly. Quick Review: Life Fibers propagate through the universe by floating through space and randomly landing on planets. Sometimes they'll land on planets with life, where they'll turbo charge the evolution of the most intelligent species there until it gets to what I'll call the Human Level. Then the Life Fiber that originally landed on the planet goes dormant until the Human Level species develops its technology to the point that it can be used to further scatter life fibers through the universe. Eventually, someone finds the Original Life Fiber (some unnamed Kiryuin ancestor in Earth's case), reawakens it (Ragyo, in Earth's case), figures out that it could be useful (again, Ragyo), and ends up under its spell (you have one guess). From there it has its new puppet do its thing until Life Fibers have managed to spread all over the world to every Human Level creature. Ragyo's clothing brand, REVOCS, accomplished this on Earth. After that all it needs is some way to send the signal to awaken to all the life fibers in the world and boom, the planet is consumed, and then explodes, scattering Life Fibers in every direction. Basically, the Original Life Fiber was using Ragyo. The machine that it was supposed to connect to was mainly there for convenience. Blowing up a friggin' planet is pretty damn hard. Would you want to go all the way into space just to send a stupid signal? As for why the plan could continue even after the OLF was destroyed, my personal theory is that she wanted to make sure she could use it to send the signal in case Nui hadn't finished Shinra Koukestu yet. My theory on that is that Shinra Kouketsu was made from life fibers taken directly from the OLF, effectively making it capable of everything the OLF could do. It's all speculation on my part, but it's not really that much of a stretch. FTFY[DOUBLEPOST=1397966791][/DOUBLEPOST] What were those suits called? Data something?
But I paid him to post that.
But it's the final boss! Why shouldn't you expect instant death on your first time fighting the final boss?
But that's silly. Why would you go in without protection?