That's pretty sweet! :D Um.............namineissomebody.....idk
*stops looking and closes eyes* *holds out hand, making a bright white light appear* *Oathkeeper appears in his hand* There we go! *shoulders keyblade and turns to Namine* What's up, babe?
Hey guys, where's Oathkeeper? Demyx had it last... *looks around the room*
*opens door and dries off hands* I don't feel comfortable with you in the same restroom, Demyx... *strikes Oathkeeper swiftly inbetween wooden boards made for the floor* I wonder if you guys can wield the keyblade...
Screamo's way cooler than emo, Zexion. *gives an August Burns Red CD* Check these dudes out.
*summons Oathkeeper* No way, Demyx! *slashes Demyx out of the bathroom, closes the door, and locks it*
Sorry, darkblademaster 907! I got confused with my blog! Well, at least I'm on YouTube to watch BFMV videos, while SOMEBODY(Zexion) listens to the Emo Song!
*unsummons Oblivion* *looks at everyone and smiles akwardly* I gotta go use the little keblade master's room! *sprints to bathroom*
*rests Oblivion on shoulder and turns to Sora* I gave Kairi a paopu for you two to share.
*looks around* ........... *looks to see that no one's looking* Say goodnight, Demyx! *knocks Demyx out with Oblivion*
YES!!!! *turns PSP off after saving game* I finally beat Genesis!!! *looks around* Namine still isn't're not alone, Sora....I miss my girl too. *smiles widely* We shared a paopu fruit.
*looks from PSP* I don't wanna be so violent anymore. Namine might think of me being more attractive like that! :D *points to above post* Told you, Demyx! *goes back to PSP*
*looks for Namine* Where's the beautiful goddess I bow down to and love with all my heart? *stares intently into Kairi's eyes* I can't get her, Kai. *sits down and plays PSP*
*puts hands behind head in a laid back manner and grins* A few minutes ago.... *looks at Demyx astonished* You just hit on Kairi in Sora's're screwed!
*puts blades away* Let's not fight guys. Let's spread the love... *hugs everybody*
If you guys wanna dance... *puts blades down and enters fighting pose* I'll dance!
That was sarcasm, Vexen....o_o And Demyx, didn't you know mohawks are lame?
I know, I should've told you. I'm sorry. :( Do you forgive me?
*points Oblivion at Demyx's neck* Don't take me lightly, fellas.