*smashes lights and starts smashing the huge truck blocking a road* Grrrrraaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! *bashes truck*
OC:Hey FL, Roxas is on the steps of Memory's Skyscraper beating up Xemnas. Namine's fled to who knows where. Die, Xemnas!!!! *keeps bashing steps* AHHHH!!!!!! *bashes in windows and doors*
I'll never be like you!!!!!! *screams in utter rage and attacks the fading Xemnas*
*slices and dices Xemnas* You didn't think that nobodies could love! *does light speed slash* You were wrong!!! *attacks even more violently*
Hey, do you wanna still be on the blog or not?
*strikes Xemnas' abdomen, but collides with a red blade* Ahh!
*runs up skyscraper* Prepare to finally meet your doom, Xemnas!!!
Um.....okay. *jumps into Roxas' arms and they sit down to watch the other two play the Wii*
*both smile, blush, and try to tidy theirselves* You two pay attention to your game.
*a few minutes later, Namine and Roxas exit a bedroom, with wrinkled clothes and messed up hair* Whoa......... *glomps Roxas* I love you....
Inside voice, Zexion. *looks at Zexion madly* Let's go to another room and have some 'fun'! *picks up Namine and takes her to another room*
Sweet! When do we start?
*separates from Namine* Fine then, we'll get a room! Roxas, don't use your outside voice... I know, inside voice. *starts making out again*
I wanna be Namine! 8D Sounds weird, I know....but Roxas is taken. Oh, and Simba. FAST FOOD MADNESS!!!!!
Actually, I invited them, Superior... *starts making out with Namine*
T-T NO!!!! Don't leave me, Obsessed!!! Jk, later! *huggles*
;) Well, let's start a party! *pops open some champagne*
Riku goes outside to see what Kairi's doing. "What's up?" He said coolly.
Well........you've been up all this time? Are you having a party or something?
Wanna go take Xemnas at the blog?