They are different names for the same font, but the 'ms' version only shows to Microsoft users.
Do these lines appear the same font? Do these lines appear the same font?
Oh. Well alright then.
Did Oliver get together with Diggle or something? Don't answer that.
You still... Have the ms.... Current code: Code: [FONT=andale mono ms]She* and okay :D[/FONT] Working code: Code: [FONT=andale mono]She* and okay :D[/FONT]
[FONT=andale mono ms]She* and okay :D[/FONT]
[FONT=andale mono]She* and okay :D[/FONT]
1. Check the packaging. Find the shipping company's name. 2. Find a means of contact. Website or phone will do. 3. Provide package ID and ask where it was sent from.
Trappings of power and all that jazz. She will become an even worse person.
I cannot echo this enough. Quality stuff is not profitable. Edge of Tomorrow was amazing. +1 for the Tom Cruise good films list.[DOUBLEPOST=1415227986][/DOUBLEPOST] This is that song from Silence of the Lambs! Thank you for showing me.
Don't leave us hanging...
He has a point. There are four invisible members. Ghost, your font doesn't show up for me. Drop the 'ms'.
You need a strong argument to feel the way you do. Better?
This also works.
Ironically the first person I heard say this was black.
Those signs already exist. Spoiler
Vagrancy laws have been in place since Lincoln's time that made it illegal to be without home or employment. Those who approached a town without either had to either leave or go to jail. This had a huge impact on slaves who were newly freed, but not employed or owners of land. These laws forced many former slaves back to their masters just to avoid being arrested. They helped create a culture that was very hostile to vagrants, especially from the police. These laws were not challenged until the 1960s. They were finally dispelled completely in 1972 when in Papachristou v. Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Florida vagrancy law was unconstitutional because it was too vague to be understood. Unfortunately, laws like those against feeding the homeless and that the homeless cannot sleep in parks have replaced these vague vagrancy laws, and little has changed. This has been a part of the police force's job since the police were created. Take no pity; they do not mind.
He is pretty good looking. Maybe that is enough to become a viral joke.
Space Oddity by David Bowie
My Fair One by Edison Glass