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  1. Forever Love
    Hours later...

    Roxas walked down the sidewalk, a few feet away from the path that led to Kairi's doorstep. They had checked out the warehouse, but hadn't found a single thing. Nothing. And they'd looked for hours, trying to locate any signs of Darkness. Roxas and Sora had come up empty after so many hours of searching.

    Kairi was curled up on one end of the couch, having fallen asleep as she waited for Sora and Roxas to get back. She'd stayed up with Riku and Namine for the rest of the evening, only recently falling asleep. She had been asleep for almost half an hour now, worry still in her heart even if she was unconscious.

    Riku sat on the other side of the couch, not caring that Kairi was taking up most of it as she slept. He was deep in thought, trying to sort out everything that had happened here. New York was obviously just as dangerous as his missions were, except for the Heartless. The Darkness still haunted his friends, which he didn't approve of. Wasn't the life here supposed to be easier?
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
  3. Forever Love
    Roxas followed Sora out, shutting the door securely behind him. The cold air hit him immediately, though he didn't pay attention to it. He had more important things to worry about than simply being cold. They had to track down someone that was cold-hearted and dark, and definitely did not belong in the Realm of Light.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Forever Love
  5. Forever Love
    Kairi caught the look in Sora's eyes before he walked away, knowing that he would be alright. Everything would be alright; things always worked out in the end, right?

    Roxas looked away from Namine then, following Sora out of the room in silence. He was ready to hunt Smith down and permanently destroy him, before something even worse happened.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    xD Okay, sounds good.

    xD Okay, sounds good.
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  7. Forever Love
    "Alright," Riku replied with a nod, staying where he was. He hoped he wouldn't have to call Sora for anything on his side. Thinking of failure would put Riku in a foul mood, so he dismissed the thought. Nothing would go wrong; he would make sure of it.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Forever Love
  9. Forever Love
    Roxas felt two sets of gazes on him at that moment. First, he looked to Sora and nodded once to show that he was ready to go. Then, he turned his eyes down to the girl sitting on the couch just beside him. He gave her a look, his blue eyes expressing that he loved her and would protect her.

    Riku didn't say anything, looking at his best friend and his Nobody. He was about to say "be careful", but he was sure they already knew that.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Forever Love
  11. Forever Love
    Roxas nodded. "Right," he said softly. He already started to push himself up from the couch, though he didn't put as much pressure on his left arm in fear of hurting his shoulder again.

    Kairi's eyes moved from Sora to Roxas and then back again. She hesitated, but then lifted her hand from his shoulder and put it next to her other in her lap. She prayed he and Roxas would be safe, aware that Riku was staying with her and Namine.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Forever Love
  13. Forever Love
    Maybe you shouldn't go, Kairi wanted to say. Seeing how injured Sora was, running around the city didn't sound very wise. But the boys had already settled this and made up their minds. She didn't think she could change anything.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Forever Love
  15. Forever Love
    Kairi's eyes stayed on Sora, the girl setting a hand on his shoulder from her place beside him at his sound of pain. She hated seeing him like this, and it was unfortunate who had done it. No, she wasn't going into those thoughts again; she had to focus on right now, and what was happening here.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    *sigh* I iz sorreh. ;D

    *sigh* I iz sorreh. ;D
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  17. Forever Love
    Kairi entered the living room again, immediately moving to the couch and taking her seat back. She held the pills out to Sora, not bothering to bring water; he usually swallowed the pills without it anyway.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Forever Love
  19. Forever Love
    "Sure." Kairi pushed herself up from the couch and passed Riku as she made her way out of the living room and into the hallway, heading for the bathroom, where she kept the painkillers. She always had some, knowing how unpredictable things could be. She poured two pills into her hand before shutting the cabinet and making her way back to the living room.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Forever Love