Search Results

  1. Forever Love
    Roxas lowered his head to look at Riku, seeing Namine triggering his concerns. "How was she?" he asked, remembering how he thought about her constantly while he was gone, especially on the way home since they hadn't found anything.

    Riku turned his gaze to Roxas, frowning slightly at the thought. "...She felt worse. She ended up getting sick," he admitted regretfully, having hated to see her in such a state. It was Smith who had actually been doing that, much to everyone's awareness.

    Roxas's eyes widened slightly in surprise, the boy automatically looking behind him again at Namine. sick? That was terrible!
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
  3. Forever Love
    Riku glanced at the girls. "Namine fell asleep a couple hours ago, but Kairi didn't nod off until a half hour ago," he said, lifting his eyes to Sora since he was the one who asked the question.

    Roxas tilted his head back slightly to look up at Namine on the couch. Good, so she had been sleeping for a while now. That was a relief; he didn't want her waiting up for him.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Forever Love
  5. Forever Love
    "You'll think clearer after some sleep," Riku stated, looking up at his best friend and nodding slightly. Clearly they were both exhausted; it was written on their faces.

    Roxas had his legs stretched out in front of him, his hands at his sides as he leaned his head back against the cushions of the couch. He nodded slightly to what Riku and Sora both said, agreeing that they'd have to search later and could hopefully figure things out after getting rest.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Forever Love
  7. Forever Love
    Riku arched an eyebrow, at Sora's words but didn't question them. By what little he had seen of Smith, he somehow knew that the man was clever enough to pull that off. The teen lowered his eyes to the ground in front of him, wondering what this could possibly mean.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    xDD That's right.

    xDD That's right.
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  9. Forever Love
    Roxas stepped past Sora, rubbing a hand over his spikes at the thought of searching again later. He approached the loveseat that Namine was sleeping on, sitting himself down on the floor in front of it, even if there was room for him; he didn't want to disturb her sleep. "Where else can we look?" he asked quietly. If Smith wasn't in that warehouse, he could possibly be anywhere.

    Riku looked over at Roxas at the question, though he wasn't sure considering he didn't know the city. "You're just going to have to trust your senses," he said, remembering what he said earlier. "Go wherever they lead you." He knew that they were able to tell when Darkness was present, and if they just followed it, that feeling would get stronger until they were face to face with their target. That's the way it had always been.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Forever Love
  11. Forever Love
    Roxas walked through the doorway and into the living room, stopping next to Sora just as he heard what he said. He nodded slightly in agreement, his eyes falling on Riku before moving to the girls. Both were asleep on the couches, which didn't really surprise him; they had been gone for a while.

    Riku looked at both Sora and Roxas, his hand dropping to rest on the arm of the couch at the news. He didn't like the sound of that, knowing that it meant Smith was already working on something.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Forever Love
  13. Forever Love
    Roxas stepped inside the house and shut the door behind him, being sure to lock it. There three Keyblade wielders here, but they couldn't take any chances. Once he locked the door he turned and started for the living room, where he knew everybody else was.

    Riku lifted the hand at his mouth up slightly, giving Sora a slight wave before it rested near his chin again. From what he could see, his best friend looked exhausted. Obviously the many hours of searching hadn't given them anything.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Well, hmmm.

    Well, hmmm.
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  15. Forever Love
    Roxas followed Sora inside, glancing behind him one last time at the now dark city. He didn't sense any danger or Darkness, so he knew that they were safe for now.

    Kairi continued to sleep, her arm bent and cradling her head as she slept on the couch. She was oblivious to the fact that the boys were home, though she didn't feel afraid. She didn't realize it in her sleep, but it was because her best friend was watching over her.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
  17. Forever Love
    Roxas witnessed Sora's actions, seeing from around his friend that the only light on in the house was the one coming from the living room. Obviously that was where everyone was gathered.

    Riku's thoughts disappeared at the sound of the door opening, his trained ears picking up on it. He turned his head to look in that direction, knowing it could only be Sora and Roxas since the door had been locked, and only they knew where the key was hidden.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Yupperz. =)

    Yupperz. =)
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  19. Forever Love
    Roxas followed Sora toward Kairi's house, the blond's eyes on the ground. How could they not find anything? Were they looking in the wrong place? New York City was pretty big. If they had to look beyond the warehouse, which looked like their only option, they had a lot more ground to cover.

    Riku had his elbow against the arm of the couch, his fist covering his mouth as he sat in silence. He was used to silence most nights, since he had traveled alone for so long. It allowed him the time to think, much like now. It had been hours since Sora and Roxas left, and they hadn't called once. He wondered if they found anything...
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Already done. ;3

    Already done. ;3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010