I see, and I can use this for any color...It seems everytime I do it it comes out with the brush strokes showing.
I see, how does that work? light brushing?
I see, But I dont know what to do with the brush, and when I use it the color comes out think and noticeable...so I dont use it. I tried this also:
Hey candlejack, why do you do this to u
I tried to do them again and followed some advice, since Im taking some tuts right now...and I was bored and named them if there were like Drinks or Paint XD Peach Tea Terra: Green Sorrow Cloud: Fab Purple Kuja: Hellish Red Kefka: Yellow Onion Onion Knight:
I cant speak to you while you are cadlejack How are yo
Hey there candlejack, Its ni
Oh lol, I remember I used to have a gaia... and so many items..
Hey, whats wrong with yo
Nah, he has the full game, he has shown parts of the story I think but they were taken down.
I think they were reporting about the item, not selling.
MAJOR SPOILER, DO NOT VIEW IF YOU DONT WANT TO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOHo1_RJQvE The video above is a leaked game of Dissidia, somehow a person got far enough to show us Chaos's voice....O_O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt3oYLHHOTQ Someone downloaded it and is showing the gameplay.
They have British accents.....
No, Its really true....I saw the ad and everything.
Oh :lolface: I made a bunch of them and used this one. I like Terra, Tidus, and Onion Knight way more but decided to use him.
Oh, I know..but even if we would get the perfect voice for anyone, a few fans would still feel butthurt because "JPN VA'S ARE FAR MORE COOOLER, KAWII DESU NE!" It will be always.
I thought he did what he felt it was right for Kuja... But fans will never be please, ever....Only with Mary-Sue Cloud
It acutally does fit Kuja, and I bet if the english voices came out first some people would be like OH YEAH ENGLISH ALL THE WAY! Its because people put Japan on such a high pedistal and think its better because its from there.
I had this argument on youtube I said his voice was wimsical like music.... I like it, its not the best, but I like it. His laugh is good.
the Uber fans will buy it. They want to "Sparkle" up there love life. Oh god wow, thats really sad that they resort to a repelica...