You havent read or seen Air Gear have you? Do it.
Spoiler Spoiler Shes a super whore..seriously..
Hmmm, you should totally make one inspired by an anime...
Omg it would, instead of having those pesky Yevon people trying to kill Tidus DX
This was written such a long time ago, and I really do hope people have enough sense to not follow every single word the bible says D: Im a Christian, but Im not a serious follower....I belive there is a god, but it can be anything really to me, and I dont follow everything the bible says.
D: I love your room, how did you get all of that....
omg...I think I came a little when I saw that.
Bathroom, I dont need to fix my hair only to brush it. :lolface:
I sleep on a Futon, and I have my own dresser draws >: The bathroom works at a changing room.
Hmmm, then you get it next month?
Theres a "Post a Picture of yourself" thread already in Gen. Disscusion...
Unless you order it on Play-Asia, they sell the english Ver. of the game :lolface:
Captain planet, hes our hero
I get it guys get one day advantge.
Meeeee again, I was sick and bored...and my camera was right next to me Spoiler My reaction to watching JONAS: Spoiler
This was like the best saturday morning show.
Yeah, I dunno the bases anymore, but isnt it more or less the same thing?
It changes everytime I hear it.. First base is Kissing Second Base is touchingbelow the waist Third is Groping Then homerun is all the way.