I was on KHV all freaking day .-. I HAVE NO LIFE. Well, just until schoom starts. My dads strict soo I hardly went anywhere this summer :(
Your literary intrigues me. .
Beds! Im sure you've heard that I'm good in them. ;D
He feels the need to upkeep his forum reputation. . . Lol, live a little
Your very welcome Amethyst ^_^
Welo, your story sounds a hell of a lit more interesting then mine. .
Spoiler Never said it did mean what it means.
Nice. . . . . >.>
Lip-biting? Sounds Kinky
Vampire :lolface:
Wait no Amethyst won
Were not even at 100 yet and its been like 2-3 hours
Ohhh. Well then ok. . .
Your the one that wanted to go to 5,000. As if thats possible.
I bet you would >.>
Oh well then let the awkwardness increase. I apologize.
Listening to music and posting. . . I actually did mean to ask how you were lol
I hate my spelling ;-; Some words are tricky to me. . . ?
I dont know. It was just awkward having it there. . . .-.