Don't think so....
I'm ok....
1,42m Or 4,66 foots.... I was born at 1995.... Yes I'm super short and it's the reason I'm bullied at school ;_;....
I knooow! *cries* :cryinganime: I hate those f*cking morons at school!... Most of 'em at least....
Hey! What's up?
PHOENIX DOWN! I woke up at 8 that day.... First from my friends alarm clock, then 'bout in 10 minutes on a prank call T_T well I didn't answer it 'cause I had prank called him first so I was just like: "Holy sh*t! He got my number! Sh*t!" It was my friends ex... eh he....
*shoots you fools* lulz, wut's up?
I luv U as a fwiend too! whore ;D
Hey! Damn, I was having fun ;D
Ha haa! I get a headache from that XP Sofy!!! *glomps*
And I did 8D
Yes, yes I did.
I.... I WAS GONNA SAY THAT! I knew it T_T
I'm in it.... Weird.... I was planning to dye my hair purple....
*sigh* It will never die! .....
I'm going to my BFF tomorrow ^.^ You?
*pat pat*
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really hope this will work now....
Why D: