if you say so...but nothings too weird for me
Yah isn't it good when girls are happy?
OOC sorry for late reply bro nicked the comp We'll I know Riku's starting to become different
awww but I want it now *Sora said folding his arms* He complains too much
Come on tell me the truth...I'll believe you and I wont tell anyone
Wha? *Roxas asked* Hay Riku show me how to get they keyblades...please I heve keyblades too Sure you do *Sora mocked* I do
Hmmm so you shouted shut up to a fly? Well that's a lie
*Riku laughed at ben* So Larxene what's the plan now that Sora's a heartless *Zexion asked* OOC I'm gonna be Zexion too...no one else is soo
what you looking at? you get bad tempers easily I don't just...I don't like people stareing at me thats all sure...hay wait I'm getting older *Sora smiled now 11 years old* Well der we all get older
huh?? someone's yelling...better check it out *she said running down the corridoor to Kohoko's room* is everything ok in here? *she asked* Kayligh your being nosey again
Sora...Wait this thing kinda happend to me...I think *Riku said looking at Sora* Wait Sora's been a heartless before and Kairi called his name...He came normal again...maybe if we call his name he might come back
What that I can explain things?...you know out of the troublesome trio...which was Axel Demyx and me...I was the one who came up with the plans
013...013 *Kayligh repeated* There it is...wait 13...thats unlucky *Daisuke said* Well I'm an unlucky girl most of the time ture but still...anyway why did your parents send you here of all places *Kayligh shrugged* I donno *She said as she went into her room and dropped off her bags* I'm gonna check this place out before I unpack
but she's my sister why would she be against me She's jellous...and you forgot about her...so did everyone...she was lonely and needed someone to be around so she went to Maleficent...so now she wants rid of you because Maleficent wanted rid of you and Maleficent said that you were against her and was planning to get rid of you so that your parents only loved you *Roxas explained* And how would you know all of this? *Namine asked* I was there when she said it she was trying to get me onto her side too saying that Sora wants to kill me too so that people only know him as Sora and not just Sora and Roxas...I belived her a little bit but I knew he wouldn't want to kill me...Everyone likes us too much and the fact if I die then him and Kairi would hate each other as they need me and you to love each other too Wow you can talk *Sora said*
OOC ok ^^ I'll start *Kayligh sighed as her parents drove off* Great now they dich me *she said watching them go. She turend to Ko-toh and looked at it* And this is my new home this is all your fault Daisuke *she said then she picked up her bags and walked into the school*
This is gonna take for ever *Namine said* it dosn't help the fact that Sora's sister is against him My sister? I havn't seen her since i was 7
*Riku tryed to help sora control him self and stop attacking gwen and ben*
Maleficent is dead aint she?
Yah *she said* Anyway we're at the beach so why not make the most of the time we have here for now
OOC when Darkheart comes online