''Hmmmmm... Quiet a battle huh?'' Koian watched closey still. Koian ignored Vane.
I guess its better... Can i pounce on u yet? xD
''Heh... Darkness user too?'' She asked him as a reply. Koian looked at teh battle.
Koian went up to one of them which was Vane. She poked him hard. Koian just looks at him examining him. ''Ohhhh u know?'' Koian asked.
Koian looked in teh distance away from teh fight. She saw to unknown faces. ''Ohhhh...'' She said as she jumped up and flew high up heading at them. She landed behind the 2 and hid her wings before they saw. ''Hello.'' Koian says to them.
OOC- I was thinkig it 2. Lets start there k? Kairi walked along teh beach of destiny islands watching the waves alone. Namine breathed in as she draws on her scetch pad. ''This picture looks good.'' She says to herself puting the picture on her desk and laying on her bed. Larxene toke her kunais from the wall as she steped back again to throw more.
I feel lonley :(
Koian watched closely at there fighting moves and toke notes in her head. ''Hmmmm... Those moves look different. Yet...''
Angel saw the evil grin. ''Whats his problem?'' Angel asked. Angel looked at the shady figure then looked at Zen.
Koian opened her eyes. ''Fine... Well ill just go to the Libary intead and research a bit about Japans History. Im from America so i dotn know alot about Japan.'' She said standing up and walking away from the two. ''Oh and by the way, My name is Koi.''
Koian jumped bakc off the building and let her wings come out. She flew up a bit and landed a building back. She watches the fight from a not so safe distance.
Angel replyed by saying, ''Yea. I moved here from.... uhhh'' Angel thought then continued, ''Oklahoma!''
Finally after 10-15 minutes the teacher dismissed the students. Koian got up and walked out, looking at teh floor. Koian looked at her next class then at her watch. Enough time for a short nap in the courtyard... She smiled as she walked down to the courtyard. When she got there, she lied down on a random bench and feel asleep again.
OOC: where do we start at? Destiny Islands? or something.
Koian looked at Vash and said simply, ''No thx.'' She staired at Vincent then looked up at the sky.
Ill start later i g2g
Koian got to her class. All she knew was she was late and there was onyl 10 minutes left. She walked in and sat down at a empty seat. She stared off into distance yet she listened to what ever the teacher was talking about. Sounds like this is the History class... The teacher didnt know she walked in.
Name: Kiko Wood Age:14 Gender: Female Species: Mimic Personality: Lazy but can be Hyper when happy. Can be evil at times 2. Beast Form/Spirt: History: Kiko roamed the world not having a real plan or goal. She met Laxene later ans sticked with her. Apearance: Aditional Info: Her eyes change color from yellow to red alot. Played By: ~Larxene_43 (will do 2 later)
Nah.... sorry its to much posting..
Koian opened both eyes then sat up. ''Alright... Alright...'' She got up and began walking to the class she has to go to. I cant sleep? Gosh... She walked down the hall quietly.