Search Results

  1. ~Larxene_43

    The Mimics

    ooc- lol i liek beign in wolf form <3


    Kiko walked into the town without anyone seeing her. There was no one around, you could say they cleared the path for her. Kiko kept walking on and looking at all the bloodshed.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~Larxene_43
    Yes and Yes xD but the charcters are still alive.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ~Larxene_43
    Angel headed out of the classroom.She threw her homework away in a nearby trashcan. Angel headed to the lunch room following Zen. She was hungry also. She bought some cookies. Angel sat down by Zen. While talking she ate her cookies. ''Soooo.. What u like to do?'' She asked while eating.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ~Larxene_43

    The Mimics

    ooc- You in wolf form or something or normal? O_O


    Kiko smelled blood she knew it was coming from the north. She ran northern toward the bounty hunter town. She laied in the brush and bushes in the forest behind the 3 at teh town. Kiko kept a close watch on them.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ~Larxene_43
    Good but not so bored today! ^_^
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. ~Larxene_43

    The Mimics

    Kiko looks around to make sure no one was around. She saw no one. ''Ok...'' She said as she closed her eyes for a second. She opened them again and they were a bright yellow. As she shifted slowly into a wolf. Her siliver hair became fluffy golden fur. Her finger nails became longer and biger. Her butt grew a long fluffy golden tail. Her nose turned black and came out with her mouth. Her thumbs went back far unbale yto use them. Kiko fell forward landing on her front feet and back feet. All her golden fur was there and she was a wolf now. She smelled teh air and looked around.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ~Larxene_43
    YAY! *pounces on you* Nothing
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. ~Larxene_43
    Koian read another chapter then she saw it was time for her next class. She toke her hand bag and put it in and she carried her stuff with the hand bag from her dorm to class. She went to room 341 which was on the 2nd floor. She entered the class and saw it was English class. She sat down at a empty desk and stared into distance waiting for class to begin.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ~Larxene_43

    The Mimics

    Kiko walked out of the town and into the forest. She needed a good place to train her wolf form and attacks. Kiko thought the forest was the best place. She stond in the middle of a feild of grass surronded by trees. ''This is a good spot.'' She said puting her bag down.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ~Larxene_43
    5Six! xD >_>
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ~Larxene_43
    Fifty4 >_> <_< Shhhh
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ~Larxene_43
    awwwwww II (2)
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. ~Larxene_43
    Hey.. Im the only one on at the moment! O_O
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. ~Larxene_43
    Zen just staired at him then looked at the clock. ''Class will start soon.'' She said to Zen without looking at him.

    ooc- Kinda..
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ~Larxene_43

    The Mimics

    ooc- Ok.

    Kiko walked though the streets of the town she just arrived in. She examined all the items people were selling on the streets.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ~Larxene_43
    Koian by now reached the Libary. She got onto one of there computers and searched: New and Old Japan History. 216 results came up. ''Dang...'' She siad clicking on title. It was 'The Kira Cases. Volume 1' She got the number and went to that spot where she would find the book. ''There it is.'' Koian said taking the book. She went to the Libarian and checked out the book. Went to a table and opened the book. She read chapters 1-3. Getting interested in the book she toke it back to the dorm she had.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ~Larxene_43
    Koian watched to city burn from the building she sat on. ''Hmmmm... this is boring..'' She wined to herself. She looks around to see the others with Kio. ''No bother..'' Koian said looking at the mess. She lets her wings out and flies up. She hovers high up in the air above the town. Watching the mess and hearing the screams she sighs.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ~Larxene_43
    ooc- lol k Larxene starts at the Nobody Castle and namine starts in her room in the mansion. Kairi starts on the beach. ^_^
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ~Larxene_43
    Koian sits down on teh ledge of teh building and continues to watch the fight.

    ooc- G2g dont u dare go up 4 pages again when i get back! xD
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ~Larxene_43
    Hahahah ok! *Pounces on u happily* ^_^ YAY!
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families