Angel got up aswell and followed him.
lol cool... I am too! GASP!
Kiko snaped at him and replyed, ''I dont care...'' She let out a loud bark at one of the younger wolves. They started to back up slowly. She looked at him again. ''I just want that meat...'' Kiko says angerly.
''Ohhhh.... i see..'' Angel says finsihing up her Cookies also. She throws the bag away.
OMG Its captain Polhook! XD
Kiko staired at him, growling, baring her fangs. Her eyes flash a brigth yellow again. She growled louder.
''Where did u learn that?'' Angel asked surprised. She ate a cookie waiting for a reply.
ooc- lol ill start morning post! xD IC- Kairi woke up by teh sun. ''Ill meet up with the others later.'' She wispered to herself getting dressed in new clothing. When she was done she walked down stairs to eat breakfest. But instead she saw a weird looking letter on her kitchen table. ''Huh?'' She says picking it up and opens it. She gasps and runs out of the house. Namine woke up and sat at her desk. Her picture was gone! Namine looked around franticly. But she couldn't find it. In its place was a letter. She didnt open it until she foudn her picture. ooc- Nothing for Larxene yet xP
Angel looked at them not sure what to do. ''Uhhhh..'' She looked around.
Kiko couldnt stand seeing good meat go away. She wanted it like mad. She growled and jumped off the roof. Landing safely she ran after them. She swiftly caught up easily. I want the stupid meat!
Kiko kept ignoring Lulu and Vivi she kept her eyes on her prize... the dead bodies. Im lucky im used to eating revolting stuff liek dead people...
Angel thought for a moment. ''Uhhhh... Well... I like to go to the movies.'' She says in a not so sure voice. Eatign another cookie.
Kiko stoped growling at Lulu and turned her attention to the meat. She licked her lips and looked at it with hungry eyes. Im too hungry to worry about her!
lol =3 Whatca doing?
Kiko stood up and was ready to attack if needed. She growled louder and bared her fangs.
Kiko saw her and stared at her with her bright yellow eyes. She growled at Lulu as she entered.
Kiko watched them sitting basicly right infront of them. She examined all of them then stood up. Kikos flashed a brighter yellow almost making a light at them. When the light was gone Kiko vanished and was sitting on a house roof.
Kiko paused and saw him licking up the blood. Ewwwwwwwww... Kiko sat there wathcing him. Examining his upper and lower body build. She looked away and then examined him again.
=D Im double tasking so im kinda slow.
ooc- no prob IC- Kairi walked home from the beach to go to bed. When she got home she laid on her bved and feel asleep. Namine was already asleep and the moon was up high. Larxene yawned making her kunais disapear. She sat on her bed for a second then laid on her side. She feel asleep aswell.