Arvus got up slowly and quickly healed him, Varxus and Kyzar. He then jumped over Sephiroth and hit him once as Sephiroth teleported after the first hit. Varxus then charged at Sephiroth as he rose into the air for a Heartless Angel. Varxus managed to hit a combo until Sephiroth teleported behind them and summoned his orbs around them both. Arvus and Varxus both managed to knock them away and knocked some at Sephiroth, mildly damaging him. Sephiroth then teleported away and powered up. OOC: It's ok with me about the Fanfic, I hope you have fun writing it.
hi guys, hows everyone?
Sephiroth then goes to attack Kyzar, but Arvus jumped in the way, taking the hit for her. "Arvus!!" Varxus shouts and charges at Sephiroth but he teleports away and hits Varxus with Heartless Angel. OOC: I gotta go now, you can continue the battle without me, I just injured both my characters to explain their dissapearance.
Varxus notices Kyzar run into the battle. "Perfect timing Kyzar, we need all the help we can get." He said as Sephiroth summoned dark orbs around them. Arvus started knocking them away and Varxus charged at Sephiroth, but he teleported away.
OOC: Yea sure, all is welcome :).
Varxus jumps above Sephiroth whilst Arvus blocks his attacks. Varxus shoots fireballs at Sephiroth but they have no effect. "Fools, elemental attacks have no effect on me." Sephiroth said as he knocks both Arvus and Varxus into the air. Varxus peforms an Arial Recovery and lands whilst Arvus uses Retaliating Slash as Sephiroth attempted to attack Arvus in mid air. Arvus manages to hit a combo on Sephiroth and then Varxus hits him from beneath. Sephiroth teleported away and appeared behind them both and hit them with his combo. Arvus used his magic to heal them both and then charged at Sephiroth alongside Varxus. They managed to double-team him and damage him more. "Know your place." Sephiroth says as he teleports away from them. OOC: I'm splitting the battle into multiple posts so it doesn't become one large post.
Varxus and Arvus turned araound and saw Sephiroth walk into the Depths. "Who are you?" Varxus asked. "I am Sephiroth, and you are?" He replied. "I'm Arvus, and this is Varxus." Arvus answered as he got his swords out. Sephiroth looked at Arvus, and then at Varxus. "You're an Organization member aren't you?" He then asked Varxus. "Yea, what's it to you?" Varxus said as he pulled his spear and scythe out. "And you're a Knight?" Sephiroth asked Arvus. "Yes, got a problem?" Arvus replied getting unpatient. "Didn't you lose in the Zeus Cup to Darxess?" Varxus asked Sephiroth. " Yes, but that was only because my opponent got lucky. You two must be strong warriors." Sephiroth asked as he drew his Masamune. "So you wanna fight eh?" Varxus said, getting eager to go. "Let's do it." Arvus said...
Arvus and Varxus were sitting at the Dark Depths. "You know, I never thought that you'd be in an Organization." Arvus said "You always were the one who stayed out of fights." Varxus looked at Arvus and then looked down the cliff. "I joined to avenge you, ever since I heard that you were 'killed' by the knights, i've always wanted to fight them and avenge your death. Now that you're alive, I'm fighting to stop them from ever hurting my friends again." "I thought Nobodies had no emotions?" Arvus asked. "I thought that too, maybe i'm, no it's not possible." Varxus said. "Maybe your what?" Arvus asked. Before Varxus could answer, he heard footsteps behind him.
"I'm going to see where the others are." Arvus told Varxus. "I'll go with you, I don't want anyone thinking you're here to kill us." Varxus replied as they both left the Postern.
"What's up with her?" Zexion asked Demyx.
"So you two are finally kissing then?" Riku asked as he ate his Big Mac.
"What's all the fuss about in here? And what 'powerful weapons' are you talking about." Zexion asked as he walked in and closed his book.
Varxus and Arvus were both at the Postern, training together. "You have a Scythe?" Arvus asked as he noticed the Scythe Varxus was holding. "Yea, I got it of Geryl ages ago." Varxus replied. "I've got a question for you. Do you know the Knight's Weaknesses?" Arvus sighed "Sadly no, the leader wouldn't tell anyone, I suppose I can understand why."
You smell like chocolate. I lick chocolate.
"We're going to have a look around." Varxus said as he and Arvus walked out.
"I guess Xemnas will buy weapons and armor that will prove vastly inferior to what we will find in our travels." Zexion said as he read his book.
"So I guess we find out how to kill the Knights now right?" Varxus asked. "Don't you think we should try and find that book?" Arvus asked,. "It could be important."
In Soviet Russia, Rufus hates Yaoi/Yuri.
Zexion saw Xemnas getting excited for some reason. "What's up with you?" He asked.
"I know what you mean." Luxord agreed. "Where's Vexen when you want him?" He then asked. "Two geniuses are better than one."