I assume that was in a public school ? Unless he' s actually been forced to endure sermons coming from his teachers (and I do mean teachers, not students) he just displayed his stupidity for everyone to see. If it was a private school that' s so beyond stupid I' m at a loss for word.
I hope they actually know where they' re going with it this time.The first season was incredible, a nice and slow build up towards a great finale. The second season, though not nearly as good, was still decent. And then all of a sudden continuity got raped. Third season and beyond was a silly thing. But it didn' t stop at silly. It rolled straight over silly, smashing through stupid without stopping and then barreling into a kind of big middle finger to its audience without so much as a speed bump to slow it down.
I agree with them, I doubt Katty Perry did it deliberately and if she did, well, just let God deal with it. Cenk loses me with his last point though, although it is possible that some of the outcry comes from people who don' t actually buy that stuff I hardly think that' s the only explanation, bit of a blanket statement.
I' ve never watched Star Treck, very few people have watched it in my country. It was on TV when I was a wee kid, I only remember the funky clothes. There' s been no re-run and none of the more recent series made it here. As I understand it it' s actual sci-fi. Its science is often wonky, but at least it tries to get it right. Star Wars on the other hand is just modern mythology, its futuristic setting is purely cosmetic. I' m a sucker for both but I tend to prefer sci-fi. I' d like to give the movies a shot, but I heard they dropped sci-fi for the Star Wars mold.
Lol, if it' s any consolation I' d kill to visit the US someday. The internet now allows me to satisfy my curiosity from my room, but it' s just not the same. I realize full well how incredibly lucky I am to have been given all those bright memories.
Field trips can definitely be interesting and useful. The field trips I' ve had were amazing on too many levels for me to count. Especially the ones I' ve had when we were old enough for the teachers to let us roam on our own. French locales aside I spent a week traveling around England (with a day long stop in Disneyland Paris on the way back), a week in Italy, and ten days in Spain.
Bump ! I meant to address this as soon as I read it but then it just slipped my mind. I have no problem wrapping my mind around the concept of God or "lol magic" in general. I' m an atheist, not an anti-theist. I' ll just believe in religious claims (or any other kind of claim) when they can be backed up satisfyingly, not a second before. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And if we' re talking about the kind of magic that has no detectable impact on nature then it is indistinguishable from the stuff that just doesn' t exist, they' re one and the same category.
Not sure how much of it you read so : Is that clearer ? Basically don' t judge a book by its cover.
I thought his backwards stance could have a purpose, the same purpose you just suggested. But then I remembered his frequent habit of twirling his keyblade around, for no good reason I can think of, and thought maybe he just doesn' t give a damn. XD
If I am to believe this it' s a stance sacrificing defense for offense. Makes going for the head easier. Sora would have the most polyvalent pose. Aqua and Terra are the most laid back in appearance, trying to lull the oponent into making the first move. As for Ven, lol, stances ? What is that for ?
http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Style_over_substance_fallacy 'nuff said.
Yeah I agree, but it' s not just footballers. I' m pretty sure other professions have just as indecent paychecks. I don' t mind having some people earning more money than others, competition is a good thing, but I' m all for capping salaries. Which is kinda what France did. We didn' t cap anything be we made sure the top 1% had according taxes. Well, there are still loopholes but we' re working on it. Some people say the rich footballers (well, rich people period) will just move to other countries and I say GOOD, I won' t miss them. Not just because I don' t give a **** about football, but because that reasoning is just ******ed. If we were to follow it through then I guess we should get rid of children' s rights in order to compete with China. If you want to live in a clean world you should start by cleaning your own house, "no one else does" is not a good enough reason not to wash.
As it' s already been said they try to slow down progressively. Or they go cold turkey (my cousin stopped the second she learned she was pregnant). The trick is not to trade an addiction for another, many people start drinking, chewing gum all the time or something. The addiction isn' t just physiological, it' s also psychological, otherwise patches would be enough. Also, you' re still functional when you' re smoking. Unlike hemp or alcohol it doesn' t alter your cognition, which is why most people need some sort of reality check to want to stop : being pregnant, landing at the hospital because of it, something like that. I know that it' s bad for my health, but for all I know I' ll die in a car crash long before my lungs fail me. Thus the immediate urges always win.
It' s not just 8, being overly Guide Dang It is a staple of the series. The first I played was 7, I burst out laughing when I found out Cloud could actually have a date with Barret.
They' re fairly universal but even there there' s room to change things. The voice actor could have decided to downplay the pain and underline the surprise for some reason, or just picked one judging by the scene alone, without ever checking which one the original voice actor went for.
I' ll leave this exemple aside (I don' t speak a word of Japanese) and move to the global case. I suppose your friend doesn' t know the first thing about Japanese nuances either, so basically he' s assuming the Japanese and American versions are necessarily saying the exact same thing ? If that' s the case then he' s dead wrong. Translators often change stuff on a whim, and sometimes they' re forced to since there' s just no way to translate the idea literally. Jokes for instance are often plain impossible to translate. As for the mysterious whims well here' s one : Star Wars is called La Guerre Des Etoiles in French. It doesn' t mean Star Wars, it means Stars War.
I do. I just wanted to find out what it was all about. Didn' t plan to make it a habit and for years it wasn' t, but nicotine got me hooked eventually. I have friends who manage to smoke here and there without ever making it a habit, but since you can' t predict how likely you are to get addicted to drug X or Y I' d say just don' t even try them. Or just once if you' re that curious, but that' s it. How would you know ? Last time I checked there was no credible study yet, did I miss something ?
Final Fantasm ?
I thought I' d give it a try since the AI I despise so much are gone. It' s still meh, but at least now when I fail it' s entirely on me. Not a big fan of the time constraint thingy, though when you' ve figured out how it works it' s not nearly as annoying as in Majora' s Mask (only Zelda I never finished and never will). Not a big fan of the art direction either, but it has its moments. Story-wise I' m still on day 2 but so far it jumps between utter nonsense (the main story) and total snorefest (the sidequests). I do however enjoy the freedom, and I' m glad that it' s much harder than before. Definitely not the game of the year, definitely doesn' t feel like a FF anymore, but I' m out of RPG so I' ll take what I can get.
I' ve always looked younger than I actually was. It' s less and less true with each passing day though, my white hairs are starting to spread like wildfire. I' ve got a full white lock on the front, but depending on how I arange my hairs and how long they are it doesn' t necessarily stand out. When people do notice they think I colored them myself lol. I assume it' s genetic, one of my uncles also turned full white in his fourties. Meh, I don' t really care, I' d take that over baldness anyday.