For having alot of rep???
Known for answering questions. :D
Known fer being... unknown, I guess Why doesn't anyone know each other here???
Eh. Ditto on that.
Known for dancing siggy
More like repetitive.... Nothing worth metioning other than Dark Link randomly wanting a hug and Mitsuki singin' at the recording studio.
.... Wanna find more people to join?
Eh. Its more of a thought than a request. I could care less who's in, as long as its good.
OOC: Teh loudness. o.O
"He looks so lonely now, Seth...." Myra whispered. "Yeah? I don't really car. He creeps me out." Reaper said. "Shame. No wonder why you can't get many friends..." "I'm perfectly happy with that thought. Everyone should be happy that I'm not the others.. 'Lemme kill you and devour your soul, friend! It'll be fun!' " Reaper scoffed. "No thanks."
"You guys are mean." Dark mumbled. "We're not childish." Reaper said.
"But I want a huuuug!!!" Dark sad. "I DON'T." Myra replied, turning around. Dark turned to Reaper. "Oh, hell NO. Don't even look at me." Reaper remarked.
OOC- I bet BIC- "You know what? I want a hug..." Dark Link mumbled. Myra backed away slowly. "Yeeeaaah..... I'll be waaay over here..."
OOC- Touche, my friend. I bow in defeat this time.
Gee.... I can only imagine what it'd be like with me in it..... -_-... With the oh-so-drastically changeing moods and such... ANYHOO! :yelling: I love it, Destined! Keep it up! XD XD
Yeeeaaah I do. Try clickin back 'n' forth betten a web comic, this RPG and Email.
OOC- No, It wasn't the lyrics, it was havin' to sing... /D BIC- Dark Link walked up to Reaper and Myra. "Heeeey y'all." Myra turned abrubtly. "WHY are you so MELLOW?!" "Oh, no reason. None at all." "Look I wasn't born yesterday. What's up."
OOC- Sorry, something about that post reminds me of the Lil' Mermaid. :D :D :D
OOC- Yep. XD Anyhoo, back to RPin' before I get marked for "Spamming" :sweat: BIC- "I think they left some time ago to the movies.. Di'n't they?" "Hm, I believe they did. Hard to say, even if the demon hunter is hyper active..." Reaper replied.
Lol. Even I admit that ICarly has good points. It's quite amusing...