"Ha, diseased. The humans are better than your sorry lot." Hedgrit laughed making fun of the elves again. He smiled though as he looked back at Zelph before he over took him and Hedgrit was legging behind a little bit. He kept quiet after that for a bit while they walked. Tellia ended up falling completely asleep on the back of Zelph after a while, seeming more peaceful than she ever was during the day. As they kept going, the two eventually found an abandoned barn in the middle of what seemed like they used to be fields. The barn was in okay shape and after a quick look around there seemed to be no crawlers in the area. It would make for a good place to sleep the night. The barn had one entrance to it, which was good and bad. It made it easier for the night watches, but if Crawlers found them there also was only one way in or out of the place, so they would have to fight their way out. On the positive side however there was an upper loft at the back of the barn, what seemed to be an area to take a break in the middle of a long day of work. There was a ladder up to the area loft and if they were lucky the crawlers wouldn't be coordinated enough to make it up the ladder quickly. "Oi! Help me find some brick and bring them up." Hedgrit over to Zelph. At least it was something to throw down at them.
Preordering, great, exciting, until it tells you it is another $53 for shipping on top of the $80 game... God damn it square.
"I would rather not waste time." Karina stated bluntly when Lynn seemed annoyed with her summing things up. She then mentioned something about her and her boyfriend joining the SoS crew again and Karina scowled. "He's not my boyfriend. As I said he doesn't even have a keyblade so I don't think he will be coming with unless he keeps following me like a lost puppy." Karina gave Arctus a pointed look before she turned and started walking back the way that she came, heading for where they had left the rest of the Black Coats team. Karina stopped though to look back at Lynn. "And if I find you doing anything but helping those guys. I don't care how good you think you are, you are in a world of pain. I will make sure that you die before I ever get to killing Nequa, got that?" She might not have been all that close with many of the people from Black Coats, but she had been left in charge of them and she would be damned if she let anything happen to them, even if she was destined to leave in order to return to where she belonged. She would have to find someone else to help them out though before she left. There was no way that Karina was just going to walk away from that unprepared. No she might have resented her father but she knew one thing, the army always needed good leadership to succeed and if one person left there better be another waiting to take their place or else that would leave the entire army vulnerable, she wasn't going to allow that. She would have to talk to Shiro before this was all over. Perhaps he would know of someone who could be trusted, more than her hopefully.
Tellia smiled a little bit at her victory as she giggled a little bit seeing Zelph toss her up and catch her on his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and used her new teddy bear as a pillow against Zelph's neck as she rested her head. She really was tired and her eyes were already drooping as soon as he picked her up, but she could have gone for a little longer if she wanted to. "There'll be no dwarf tossin here. It is disrespectful to our kind. I will kick your arse before you could get my feet off the ground. That is if you even could with those pathetic elf noodle arms of yers." Hedgrit spat back at him. "I am surprised you can carry that wee one, you elves may be pretty but you aren't built as hardy as us dwarfs." Hedgrit tried to boost his own pride as he pounded a knuckle on his chest before marching on. "Just try and keep up would ya. No complaining about carrying the little one now, not if you think ya can toss a dwarf as well." Hedgrit intentionally picked up speed to make a point.
As Aislinn ran up panicked, she saw Luna on the ground and immediately started to scan for enemies, before her heart calmed enough to notice that Luna was holding a dead deer in her lap, petting it. This was certainly going to be an interesting world at this pace. Sighing Aislinn walked up behind Luna and put a hand on her shoulder. "Is this why you screamed? You know this is part of the circle of life right?" Aislinn tried to keep her voice gentle as she spoke to Luna. She didn't want to upset the girl or make her think that she didn't care, but at the same time they didn't have time for this. "We should keep going. There is nothing we can do about it now after all." And someone was probably coming back for their kill, and Aislinn didn't want John Smith to be there when they did.
Alright, I reasigned the parts for 3 and 4 so double check what you are singing please
Luna went to run ahead and Aislinn reached out to stop her but she was already slipping past. "Luna I would..." Aislinn dropped her voice clearly seeing that she was already heading away and not listening. "Go off on your own..." She finished to herself as she looked to Kel to see what he thought about this situation. They seemed to be on similar lines of thinking before Aislinn turned preparing to pick up a light jog on his way to follow her into the woods further. Before she got too far however, they heard a scream, undeniably Luna. "Crap, lets go." Perhaps those so called savages were really dangerous. Luna was now a master, she could handle herself... and if she couldn't well they should all be afraid and ready to fight. Aislinn made sure she had keyblade in hand as she ran after Luna to check on her.
I totally meant for it to be everyone
"I don't want to walk though." Tellia just pouted at Zelph, knowing that he was not buying her act of pouting and overplaying her tiredness. "Iridia gets to be carried." She also tried to use as a defense, more than well aware that Iridia weighed next to nothing and made no difference if she flew or was carried. Tellia knew that she would slow down Zelph if he had to carry her. She still sighed and hugged her teddy bear as she walked on, still holding on to Zelph's hand. "Ey. We will travel a little longer and find a place we can set up a safe watch for us. If the little ones are too tired I would assume they won't be taking a watch." Maybe Iridia when she rested more, but never Tellia. Even if they made her take watch, Hedgrit didn't trust her not to get too distracted with other things, or let her friend take over and run off. That would be a problem if she did. Not for him of course, not until Zelph made him get up and go after her, possibly running head long into danger of a crazy little girl. Hedgrit just dreamed of getting to a place where he could sleep one solid night and not have to force himself awake to watch the campsite.
"Heartless will exist and find their way there anyways!" Cerdic snapped back at Daeni again since they JUST went over that point not minutes before. He didn't want to go over this again. "And who said I am leaving you. I did specifically say 'Daeni, lets go.'" Cerdic sighed. She was a lot to handle right now and there was a lot to do, and there stress wasn't light on any of them. Cerdic stopped for a moment and turned back to Daeni one last time. "No we aren't best friends." He turned to walk away leaving the statement to linger before looking over his shoulder with a half smile. "After all who is actually best friends with their little sister. That would just be weird." He then walked out of the cave, making sure that Daeni was behind him and Mora was still supported as he met up with everyone else. Mora was able to stand up on her own and walk away and Cerdic just watched for a moment before he smiled and joined everyone. "I am glad it worked out, and I am glad you like your new weapon." Cerdic said with a smile before something landed on his shoulder. He jumped a little bit but then looked over and saw the bird smiling a little bit at it, reaching up to scratch it's head before it bit him and flew off. "Ah, fu- Damn. I guess I deserved that." He sighed.
They didn't remember much but at least they seemed to be back to normal. That was a start she supposed. It was better than it not having worked at all. Tinarah opened her mouth to explain what she knew when a voice started yelling rather angrily before a shadow started to cover their area and Tinarah looked around to spot a giant one of those hats. It was at this point the hero's fled, claiming they didn't have enough energy to deal with it right now. Rolling her eyes, Tinarah summoned her keyblade to her. Some hero's they were, this was almost sad. Either way she wouldn't argue, she did want to prove that what she was taught didn't go to waste, now was as good a time as any. Spotting the others coming outside, Tinarah gave them a bit of a nod before running into the battle. She would give this everything she had, sliding into the area taking a series of hits to the hat, making a blitz of attacks before Turning and casting a blizzard spell on the hat to freeze it in place, finishing with another torrent of attacks. Once she finished she stepped back and tried to lay low for a moment before getting ready to attack again, or defend her allies if need be. Tinarah used Blizzard: 20AP + 5 from Black Mage + 15 from Magic Dance = 40 AP damage Tinarah used Blitz: 10 AP Tinarah Attacked: 52AP Total: 102 Damage HP: 75/75 AP: 0/52 MP: 20/30 DP: 0/3
Thea was tempted, so tempted to just burn all the webs as she walked. It would be so easy, though ill advised. She knew better than to pull a stunt like that, especially when there was so much on the line. Tucking her hands behind her she forced herself to behave as they approached a larger clearing, filled with even more of these webs. Thea was really starting to get sick of spiders and webs and didn't want to see another one for a very long time. At the very least they found Selena, and it would be easy enough to get her out. Or it should have been if things didn't change so quickly. As they got closer and Izra went to save Selena, the mayor stepped out holding Maliel, using her as a threat. Thea froze up for a moment, looking to the others as he demanded her and Izra as payment for Selena and Maliel. She couldn't let him hurt more people, she couldn't do that to them. Turning from her friends, she turned back to the mayor and stepped forward towards him. "Just... just take me. Don't hurt anyone else, please. I will go willingly." As she stepped forward she had her hands behind her back, lighting up a single finger, trying to tell the boys that she was planning on fighting to get away as soon as she could. That being said she couldn't do it when there were people too close. She could feel her magic bubbling. When she fought she wouldn't want anyone else near, it would turn into a disaster. As Samuel moved Everette started to channel his magic into his sword as he jumped forward slashing at the beast several times before several mirrored copies appeared around it. He made sure to move as he attacked in order to leave the snake confused by the time it was able to see again. There were four clones on the field as well as the real copy, if he was lucky it would hit some of the clones before ever getting to him, and maybe during that time Conrad would step in with his attacks as well, if all went well, they would finish this quickly.
"They don't sound all that savage to me. They sound like they choose a different style of life than you." Aislinn pointed out, suddenly really not impressed with this John Smith person who was leading them around. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him as they walked. Humans with senses like wolves that would be cool. Either way she was not worried about things anymore, not at this point. She could just watch and hopefully stop John before he did anything stupid with that gun of his.
My memory might be a little Misty, but don't tell me that you have Forsaken that name? I really Mish it XD Yes I am going this far. I regret nothing.
Oh don't Tay-ke my puns that harshly I was only MoK-ing them a Wee-a-bit
I am just Rienzeling awareness for bad puns.
Nope. Get out. I don't care how beuceiful you think your pun is.
Chuckling a bit Hedgrit watched Iridia snuggle into his bag. He would never say it out loud, but he found the fairy slightly addorable, especially when she decided to curl up at the bottom of his bag for some sleep. "Rest well little one." He mumbled, hopefully quiet enough Iridia wouldn't actually hear, before looking up and spotting Zelph approaching holding his little sisters hand. Well it seemed that good times were over and the trouble was back. "Ah very well. At least we got more supplies, but we shouldn't stay here. We need to find a place to stay that is a little safer before dark." Hedgrit instructed them, not liking the idea of staying in the place that crawlers just were. As they got out, Hedgrit already wanted to leave and keep moving. Tellia frowned a little at the concept of that. She was getting tired and could use a rest herself, but he was probably right that they needed to keep moving. Knowing that it wasn't likely going to happen, Tellia still tried as she batted her eyelashes and looked up at her brother. "Bwother Zelph? I'm tiwred. Can you carry me pwease?" Tellia intentionally played up a far more childish voice than usually, going as far as faking a yawn as she looked up at her brother with puppy dog eyes.
"They really didn't describe them as much, just stated what they were. That doesn't give us much to go on. He also said they were dangerous, but the fact that they mistook us for the savages makes me question if they are just anything that is different from them. I would be careful just in case, maybe they do know what they are talking about, but nothing about that Radcliff guy gave me any reason to want to take what he said at face value." She knew she had essentially said all this before but it was best to keep themselves reminded. Just because they were now masters didn't mean that they could get too cocky, that would be the moment they slipped up. And she didn't want to relax and enjoy nature too much just yet, just in case something bad were to happen. They were separated from the others after all, who knew what beyond these savages awaited them, especially after all that had happened with No Heart, Aislinn found herself a bit on edge.
Watching the chaos around him, Reno just glanced around as let his tails swish around behind him. Just as it seemed like nothing else interesting was going to happen, Reno heard some talking that kind of escalated into yelling in the ally near by. It seemed that the cat woman had already decided to stick her paws were they didn't belong. Reno on the other hand, simply didn't like the dogs. He didn't know what it was about those particular dogs that bothered him, but they just didn't seem right... almost not natural in some ways. He couldn't describe it, either way it made him bare his teeth at the dogs, before finally sauntering up, and snarling at one. As he caught the hounds attention, Reno jumped on it, teeth bared, but the hound was prepared batting him away throwing Reno just off kilter enough to not make any contact with his attempt at biting the dog. With a snarl Reno backed into the wall, baring his teeth and preparing to attack again. Spoiler: Rolls Roll to hit: 8 (-1)= 7 Missed!