"Apprehend? You mean you arrested them? But you said they weren't mad." Thea called out Zephyr, annoyed at his lie. "That is unfair, they were helping us. Maybe if I just talked to them, I can convince them that they were helping us. I spent a fair amount of time with the magic council, they like me, I am sure that they will listen." Thea insisted, behaving and still laying down, but looking intently at Midarah. "We can't just leave them, we should help, they saved me, and nearly lost one of their sisters for my sake. I have to return the favour." Everette helped Samuel long into the morning with making the antidotes. He was not a healer, not like Samuel, but he spent enough time with Samuel to pick up a thing or two, at the very least he could listen to instructions well enough. He took to doing whatever he could to help, if nothing else he would clean up and keep things orderly, keeping the conversation going so that neither of them would pass out. Finally, as morning neared, they managed to get an antidote together that seemed to be working, or at least it did for Conrad. When Conrad was good to go, Samuel sent him to give the antidote to Renza and check up on her. It was cute really and Everette made a note to visit her before they left. In some way the girl reminded him of Thea when she first arrived at the guild and it made him smile. "I will help with whatever I can, hand me some antidotes and we can get them administered more quickly." Everette offered as he took a load and went to join Samuel in handing them out. "Good job by the way. We wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you." Everette put a hand on his shoulder and gave Samuel an encouraging but tired smile. At this moment Everette felt like Samuel should be an S-class far before him, but he couldn't force him to be so, so he didn't say anything about it, one day they might convince him, but for now, he was just glad to have had Samuel on this mission.
Tellia had slept for a long time, it was normal in children, even more so for her. It seemed when she didn't sleep at least ten hours, the thing inside her was more irritable than normal. When she awoke, she found herself in a strange place that she had not remembered really getting too the night before. As she woke up and looked around she found herself in a high area, laying on some hay. Getting up she looked down at her brother who was already awake. Looking down it seemed Iridia was talking to Zelph distracting him, so Tellia thought it might be fun to trick him. She didn't know what to do though. Looking around she found some straw sitting around and started to throw it up and let it rain down out him, giggling slightly. Come morning Hedgirt was up slightly after Zelph, but remained to watch the little one as she slept still. Hedgrit was nearly dozing off again when he heard giggling and saw Tellia throwing straw over the edge, seeming to be aiming for her brothers hair. Shaking his head he got up. "Come on lassie, lets go harass your brother into giving us food." Hedgrit went down first, watching as Tellia started to come down after him, making sure that her feet were both on the ground before looking to Zelph. "Is it ready yet." He did his best to imitate Tellia's whining voice.
Wow, now this is a face I haven't seen around in a while. Welcome back Mindstorm! Great to have you back! To answer some of your questions, while there isn't singing competitions, the chorus has been brought back, and we work collaboratively on songs, if that is something that interests you. You can find more about that here. Also there actually is a new space pirate rp that is just about to start, and of course some old familiar roleplays that are still hanging in there. We always love to see people come back!
BASIC INFORMATION Name: James (Jay) Apehr Crew Position: Saber Age: 23 Race: Human Birthplace: 8676 Trianguli Prime Personality: A bit cocky and playful, James likes to make the best out of every situation, usually by playing jokes. He is protective of his brother, but only his brother, everyone else he could take or leave. Bounty: 50,000 Crime: Beating up the guards that attempted to arrest his brother for a mistake that he made. (Assumed accomplice to his brothers crime) APPEARANCE Hair: Silver Eyes: Purple Skin Color: White Height: 6'0" Picture: The one on the left Distinguishing features: No real distinguishing features, but the color of his and her brothers eyes are a unique trait not seen very often, made them stick out in SKILL SET Weapon Proficiency: Various types of swords including Long swords, Short Swords, Laser Swords and Scimitars Special Skills: He is great with dual wielding swords, he can talk his way out of a lot of things and is rather stealthy when he wants to be. Spoken Languages: English, and Space Swahili
Thea looked to Cera first. She wanted to go and talk to Midarah and see what was going on exactly, but she had learned by now to listen to the healers, and if they said she shouldn't go, then going would only turn into her getting lectured by Midarah and sent back. "Only if it is okay." She finally answered waiting for Cera's approval. More rest was something that she could use, but at the same time it wasn't like she was running off to another mission. Thea was sure she could handle talking to Master Midarah. Perhaps if she went they could help fill in some holes in what happened between her passing out and waking back up at the guild hall.
Thea laid back down. Her magic was fighting Cera's at first, but the untrained magic eventually gave in to her calming magic. It soothed her, but when Cera mentioned the magic council, Thea's magic flared up again for a moment as worry crossed her face. While Thea was unaware of their dislike for her, she did know that they watched her closely and they could take her out of this guild as easily as they had put her into it. "The Magic Council was there? I am not in trouble am I?" Thea then thought of her friends and how strict the council could be. "They are not mad at Izra are they?" Thea asked, knowing that the mayor had previously made her out to be the bad guy of this all. It was then that Gavin'd magical bird, Storm entered. The bird that spoke to her, and for some reason Thea had always found the bird talking a little unsettling. She just nodded looking down, worry now wracking her mind as she thought about the Magic Council. Maybe if she could just talk to them they wouldn't make her leave, or they wouldn't get Izra in trouble. It was possible they weren't there for either reason, but she couldn't think of why else they were there? Conrad had his back and Samuel retreated, everything was going over well it seemed. That made Everette happy, knowing it would be okay. As his sword sunk in he could feel that the blow was fatal. Pushing off he managed to dislodge his sword and land on his own on the shore, but as he did he finally felt pain strike his body, and the exhaust hit. He had been channeling his magic consistently to the point that his reserves were running low, and between the clones and the shield breaking they both left a tired ache in his bones. Thankfully he put more of his magic into his sword than his abilities. It was only when he spent it all in abilities that he found the pain unbearable. Either way it left Everette panting heavily for a long moment. "I am good." Everette confirmed as Samuel went to collect venom. As he did that, Everette paced around looking at the area. "What do you suppose brought the snake here? Do you think it was working with people? I mean previously not poisoned water in the town became poisoned, and it would be hard not to notice a snake that size in town." Everette pointed out. As he did though he walked around and noticed the symbol that Conrad spotted earlier. Everette instantly had a note book out and was copying it down, he didn't trust himself to remember the details later if he needed to.
Welcome back to another KH-Vids Chorus. This month we decided to sing On The Open Road, from the Goofy Movie, and what a journey that was. Bad joke I know. Anyways we had another new face join this one and that was quite a treat. Thank you everyone who participated. Look forward to seeing more people joining in the future!
"It still burns a bit." Thea whimpered talking about her magic. It wasn't so bad that she couldn't do anything, but it wasn't comfortable. And while Cera had done an adequate job healing her, she didn't notice the couple spider bites she had gotten, Thea missed Samuel and him healing her. He was good at it and sometimes would talk and read to her, if not him then Everette. Zephyr didn't answer her questions though. "What happened to Selena, Maliel, and Izra? Are they okay? Are they safe? She didn't hurt them too bad did she?" Thea continued to question, looking to Zephyr for answers. Finally she lowered her voice. She remembered Zephyr jumping in before things went hazy, and Thea wasn't too sure what happened during those last seconds. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Lie or tell the truth, lie or tell the truth. It seemed like Kel decided that for them. It didn't feel great to lie like that but Aislinn didn't say anything and just nodded. She definitely decided it best to keep the keyblade hidden. "We haven't seen anyone since arriving, we were just starting to explore." Aislinn added to the lie as she bit her inner lip ready to follow these Indians. She didn't want to get in trouble, right now she just wanted to get out of these lands and regroup with the rest of her friends. After all it wasn't there plan to come here, they just ended up here trying to get back to the realm of light. Where everyone else ended up was a mystery, but she didn't think asking these people was going to be a good idea.
Slowly Thea began to wake up. She didn't know how long she had been out, and wasn't entirely sure what all happened right before she passed out. She remembered golden flames and reaching out to save her friends. Looking around however she was not in the swamp, but a familiar place. She could feel heat pounding through her, but not too intensely, not like it has been a few times in the past. Slowly forcing herself to sit up, Thea was doing better but still feeling slightly hurt and sick, she turned to see Cera in the room with her taking care of Zephyr. "What... happened? Is everyone alright? What about Izra, and Selena, and Maliel? Did they make it all right? Where are they now?" Thea pressed working herself up until a flash of heat coupled with pain caused her to settle down a little bit, grabbing the cloth that fell and moving it back to her head. "Is the scary lady gone?" The snake was getting desperate, so it was a good start to this, Everette hoped that they could finish this off quickly. Looking to the snake as it started to get up again, rearing for an attack, Everette did everything he could to keep everyone safe. Jumping in front of Samuel who was clearly nearly completely tired out, Everette threw up the mirror shield in front of him and Samuel before sending one of his last remaining mirror clones to at least lighten the blast on him as much as he could. Everette grit his teeth as he deflected the blast, but used it as a distraction to launch off right after it, slamming his sword into the snakes neck. He was getting tired, but was holding up a bit better than Samuel. He would finish this if he had to. With another push channeling another large amount of magic, Everette took another attempt at decapitating the snake.
You are doing it wrong. You need to look at the message cound, in which case the RPA is a close second. 1,265,940 massages, verses 1,205, 693. It makes the the RPA look a lot more impressive.
The world around her spun and Thea tried to keep her flames burning, but slowly one by one they flickered out as she faded. There was nothing left for her to use against the demon and the darkness took her completely. Between her own power being spent and the poison Thea couldn't keep herself together. and she ended up being passed out on the ground. Her face was flush, heat still radiating from her body. While most people didn't know too much about her gold flames, she had exploded into blue flames before and the flames ended with her making herself sick. Her blue flames could attack her body from the inside out, burning her up like a fever would. The heat coming off her was intense still even though she was not conscious, it wasn't anything dangerous to others unless they tried to pick her up, kind of like a hot pan. Thea was officially incapacitated and unable to help with the battle anymore.
The look on Torrins face showed there was more going on in his mind than he was letting on, but this wasn't the time or place to question it, not when the darkness was closing in. She had spent far too much time in darkness for her liking, and while the darkness in Eventide was different, not as suffocating, it still made her uncomfortable to think about. Her hand twitched at her side, torn between summoning her keyblade and not. She stared out at the darkness until yellow eyes started to materialize and what seemed like a couple hundred heartless appeared. This was not good, not good at all. Her magic supplies were running low as it was, she could only do so much. She wondered if they should have taken a rest, but at the same time she was wondering how long until these Heartless would have emerged, if it was for the best that they were dealing with this now. Summoning her keyblade to her hand, she took a bit of a defensive stance. Fighting heartless, that was what Torrin trained her for. She spent a month on daily patrols dealing with the heartless between her regular training, and while her physical body rotted for some time after that and was still recovering, the skills she learned were still sharp. She would start strong, from there it was just a task of maintaining and not doing anything too stupid. She was still hurt from the last battle, if she pushed herself too far here, she might put herself at risk, and a dark space like this was not where she wanted to take her last breaths. Holding her keyblade out she launched herself at the heartless unleashing a blitz of attacks on them before turning around taking a few more swings of her sword to see what sort of damage she could do before taking up a defensive position. Tinarah used Blitz HP: 58/80 AP: 28/58 MP: 5/30 DP: 0/3 Tinarah Killed: 2 Neoshadows 2 Blue Rhapsodies Remaining Heartless: 66 Darkballs (12AP) 49 Neoshadows (16AP) 12 Yellow Operas (4AP) 7 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 10 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
Well it had worked, she had managed to get the attention on her for the moment, but as soon as she did the woman disappeared into the trees. Thea spun around looking for her but not seeing her. Instead she got her attention on Zephyr who had gotten himself stuck too it seemed. Just as she tried to head for him, there was a voice behind her. Before Thea could turn around, sharp thorny webs pierced her arms homing her in place. Thea cried out in pain as she was lifted in the air and her power started to be ripped from her. The blue flames that previously surrounded her flared out trying to hit the source of the pain. The fire was wild and things near by started to catch on fire. Xilyn leaned in and as her fangs started to pierce Thea, the girl screamed out once more, not willing to go down that easy. She wasn't going to let the demon get away with this. She wasn't going to die and give the demon the power to hurt her friends. Fighting the poison that had started making their way into her veins, Thea exploded into gold flames. Bright vibrant and deadly hot golden flames that knocked Xilyn back but also left the area immediately around her ablaze. The webs holding Thea burned away leaving her to painfully drop to the ground, her golden flames still burning around her, more controlled than the blue flames. She didn't have the energy to fight the other spiders any more but she could at least send them out to the webs that were preventing movement, burning those away and trying to make a path for them before her magic failed her completely. She was already noticing the edge of her vision going dark, she wasn't going to hold consciousness much longer, not at this rate. But maybe she could get her friends out. Maybe her golden flames were enough.
Izra was up and managed to help get some spiders away from Thea, but it wasn't over yet and at this point she was struggling to keep her magic in check. With her magic eating away at her from the inside, she couldn't really take the time to find the control that she needed. Instead of trying she needed to figure out how to deal with this situation. Maliel was in trouble again and Thea knew that she couldn't help her, not when her magic was so wild. she didn't want to hurt Maliel. Looking at the demon lady, if she could deal with her then maybe the other spiders would go away. Thea just prayed that Gavin's wind shield would hold up against her magic if it tried to spread as she sent blasts towards Xilyn. Like the first attack, they started red and in sleek design, aiming only for the target, but blue flames burst from it and began to engulf the flame, making it something entirely different, a ball of burning blue flames, exploding on impact. "Leave them alone!" Thea shouted at Xilyn, knowing it wouldn't make a difference, but she didn't want to see anyone die today, and she was afraid for Selena's life. Maybe if she could just distract Xilyn, Zephyr and Gavin would be able to save everyone.
Listening to Arctus she didn't know if she should tell him how it sounded a bit like her own life back home. Not the same but similar. Karina bit her lip however and kept her mouth shut, she knew that Arctus didn't need to hear all this, he deserved his moment to talk. She had ranted plenty about her life. Sure not to Arctus that much but she had told Beuce and Kel and a few others from SoS about her life before, she had her time to rant, and now it was his turn. Karina didn't think she could be as helpful as they were to her, but at the very least she could try and listen. Arctus didn't get a chance to talk that much before they had to turn their attention to Joshua. Perhaps she would learn more later. It seemed that Arctus wasn't fond of being sent off, and she didn't blame him for it, though she didn't think any amount of yelling would help. She rolled her eyes before Arctus suddenly just summoned a keyblade. Karina was shocked as he was trying to get his sword back. Finally she just sighed. "It doesn't work that way dumb-ass." Karina sighed. "You are a keyblade wielder now, you don't just get the sword back. You should feel lucky." She didn't always feed lucky for having a keyblade, but it was the reason she was able to escape home so at least she had that going for her. "So what now, can you do this with me or am I still on my own?" Karina asked, keeping her voice steady hiding the discomfort of the idea of going through things alone.
Tinarah looked up surprised that Torrin heard her. She stared at him for a long moment before finally figuring out how he wanted to explain. "When training with Stamatis, I couldn't summon my keyblade for a long time. He was desperate to find a way to get me my keyblade back, so he employed a method he believed that Uncle Fost would use. He took me to the edge of darkness and let the heartless attack, I had a sword at the time and it didn't do much.. I wasn't able to do it... but I think wherever Chrono was, he lent me strength. It was the last time that I wore one of these." Tinarah explained to him. She still didn't know what to think of it. At the time she was happy to have it back, now she knew that it was weakness that kept her from gaining her own back, that she still had lacked the ability to believe in herself. It wasn't until much later when she couldn't look to anyone at all that she learned to believe in herself. She had to remember that as they stepped into the heart of the world. The darkness was close and unsettling. She had felt the darkness close and bothered her. She felt this darkness before and it was unsettling when she was with Stamatis. She went to summon her keyblade, but hesitated. With the other Torrin he always told her it would attract the heartless, and Tinarah wasn't convinced she wanted to speed up that process. It all felt so wrong. Tinarah glanced at Boreas and Torrin, it was familiar, it was home to them. She found the concept a little strange, hard to grasp when for them it was so foreign being this close to the darkness. As Torrin looked back at them and warned them to be on guard, she caught the slight glow to his yellow eyes. She still found it a little unsettling to look at . At least he was able to see things a bit better, meanwhile, those not raised in the Realm of Darkness would sit at even more of a disadvantage to the situation. While it wasn't so dark that she couldn't see anything, it was dark enough that she strained her eyes to see all around. If Torrin didn't see the heartless, she definitely wouldn't see anything. Tinarah took a step closer to her brother and friend, Take. At least they were in the same boat as she was, if they stayed close hopefully they would be able to defend themselves and this world.
Hedgrit lingered at the bottom of the ladder, keeping his eye out as Zelph started to carry Tellia up. Zelph didn't look totally stable, and Hedgrit cringed a few times as he tried to climb, but in the end Zelph and Tellia got up fine. With confidence that he was okay, Hedgrit then climbed up himself. Tellia seemed nice and tucked in, so Hedgrit found a spot on the other side of the landing, opposite to Tellia and Zelph. He gave Zelph a small wave before curling up himself, taking off some of his armour before he fell asleep. (I rolled for it, the night will pass without incident.)
What happened to not hurting these people. Aislinn tried to grab John but he took off running. "Wait!" She called out after him, preparing to follow, but a tribe of what she assumed were these Indians stepped out, weapons trained on them. Aislinn tried to look not threatening as she looked between them and her companions. "I am Aislinn. We were sailing the seas and got lost, wound up here. The man was suppose to be helping us orientate ourselves." Aislinn informed him, half lie, half truth. It was the best way to lie and while she usually didn't encourage lying it was her best bet to get them out of this situation right now.
Already on her toes and ready for whatever was to come, Auburn had her sword swapped to a gun in an instant, and an instant later it was fired at the Ursa who had popped out of one of the bushes. Looking around they were surrounded and there was not a hole lot they could do but fight their way out of this situation. Letting her mind go blank, Auburn let her training take over as she prepared herself to go on the offense. Defense was a good strategy when trying to protect someone else, but it was also easy to get overwhelmed if you were too passive with attacking. Under her breath she whispered some instructions that her father had taught her. "Left foot in front of right, right hand back. Breath." She told herself as a Beowolf launched itself at her, so she launched back, keeping herself small and lower to the ground as she jammed her blade up through it's heart and watched it drop to the ground beside her. It was a good start but there was still more to deal with. She had just taken out two, but 15 still remained. Alone Auburn didn't know if she could handle this, but she wasn't alone, she had a team, a team that she hoped would have her back. She might not be as good as her father, but she still knew what she was doing enough to hold her own, as long as everyone else could say the same, they should be fine. He had hoped they would back down, but Arian smiled a little bit as they clearly weren't ready to back down. "Impress the boss. I would look forward to seeing the reaction when they find out who you almost killed, but you won't be living long enough for that." Arian pulled his bow out, parting it into two blades. "I don't know who is holding your leashes now. But you have lost the true meaning of the White Fang, I don't feel bad for you." He stated before launching himself at the man who seemed to be leading. Arian didn't waste time taking him out before turning to one of the near members and going for his neck. Stepping back, Arian bared his elongated k-9's at them, his ears tucking back for a moment. "Are you sure you want to do this." He had taken out two already, but he didn't want to continue if he didn't have to, Arian hoped that this was enough of a scare to chase them away.