So am I overrated or underrated?
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Me Banned? I am a perfect angel. Yes. I am not plotting anyone's demise.
Oh that was just great. So funny
Wait, are any of these guys intimidating?
"Damn it, you are supposed to be the smart one." Jay rubbed his hand against the collar around his neck. "Do you really think they look good, I have to say I am not fond of something this tight around my neck. And before you say it, decapitation will not help." Jay retorted since his brother already implied that once. He wasn't about to get his head cut off for the sake of getting this, so called, muzzle off of his neck. Despite everything his brother was saying Jay knew as well as Jim that everything was not fine. Sitting next to his brother he leaned over and started to whisper. "While those girls do sound very tempting, I prefer the idea of getting out of here before we run the risk of getting separated. What do you say? You said yourself that throwing us in here was going against the law, why not just... you know get out?" It was a stupid idea he knew well enough, but Jim was smart enough that he might just be able to make it work. "Your brains and my muscle. Jack won't know what hit him. Besides if we want a hope at freedom it will have to be before they inject us with that stuff, separated or not I doubt even you can stop that from working." They had a better chance of figuring out the muzzles, something on the body that can be examined compared to something that was injected into you. Either way it was clear that Jay had no plans of just sitting around and rotting.
"Hey, hey don't need to push. I know you all want a chance to touch my beautiful body but not yet, my brother is here after all." He winked at the guards pushing him off, trying to shrug off their touch before they were stopped and he could look over to his brother. "Besides I am saving myself for you. After all, you are only slightly less attractive than me, so it is close enough." Even arrested he couldn't help himself but joke with his brother. For being sent essentially to his death, he was rather chipper. He watched as a man paced in front of them watching them. "Three good punches and he would be out." Jay whispered to his brother eyeing up the exact places he would have to hit to get the hulking man down to his level. "Jackson Grant. Oh I am shivering in my boots already." He laughed as he watched the man trying to be all threatening. "Hey Jack, what happens if you have no hopes and dreams to shoot? Can I just leave?" Interrupting the man didn't bother him in the slightest. It was fun to make people angry. "Stupid. You know I wouldn't say that saving your brother is stupid. The stupid part is that he got caught." He wasn't about to admit that he was wrong, there was no chance that he would say that he was stupid. He wasn't a smart of his brother of course, he couldn't build a ship... well neither could Jim apparently, his blew up. There was a continuation about how they would be divided and Jay almost just shrugged. "Sorry little bro, looks like I can't protect you from all the weaklings after the next three days. Try and play nice. But lets have a little fun together while we still can." He whispered during the end of the speech, completely missing the entire part about the collars that they would be wearing. Just as he finished talking they were pushed off somewhere else for processing, then stripped down and equipped. "Hey! Hey! What are these, don't put that around my neck!" Without his hands free yet he wasn't able to get any good hits on anyone. Once it was on he was shoved into the hall, but at least he was free of his cuffs. "Uh hey... Jim. Do you know how-"
"Not bad, but I have not made a man out of you yet." Shang responded as he countered her with a counter sweep and knocked her down, pointing his staff towards her. "Good thing wood can't puncture my throat." Karina retorted as she took her bare hands and grabbed the staff and pulled him down. As he fell she kicked up her legs and hit kicked him in the gut as he fell over her head and landed on his back with the wind knocked out of him. Getting to her feet quickly, Karina had to finish things off as quickly as she could. She almost felt bad as she approached him, but he was just data, a projection, he was not real. "At least you were a competent fight." Karina stated as she finished off Shang before turning and running off towards the next set of stairs, only taking a moment to glance at the clock on her hand. As much as she was crunching the numbers on how much time she had left, she was trying her best to not focus too much on it. She couldn't let herself get caught up in the small things and lose her focus on the battles ahead. "Well well, if it isn't the kid. Haven't seen ya in a while. Hows it going? Have you toughened up yet or are you still dragging your feet pushing people away?" This woman. She was... she was in the outback. She was in the world where people kept leaving, and more would come only to leave again. "Fang." "So you remembered me. I am happy to see that. So have you learned to change your destiny?" "You tell me." There was a small smile on Karina's face as she finally got ready to attack. Her keyblade swung but was met by the metal pole if Fangs spear. Now this was a staff that had a purpose. Her keyblade swung around again trying to hit Fang again, but Fang was too quick and dodged out of the way. "You got to do better than that."
The magic of the clown kept getting more powerful. The fire that erupted from the rain scorched and hurt as Tinarah tried to guard herself. He was right, they would get tired out and he seemed to still be holding on strong. They couldn't give up though, they had to keep going. She wouldn't fail this world, no she couldn't. Her body was tired and sore, her stomach hurt and she could feel that she wasn't going to hold on for long after the fight. She was not in a good shape still, she was still working on getting herself to a healthier condition. For now the adrenaline could carry her, but for how much longer? Could she keep going like this after things calmed down? It was no time to think about it thought, they had to just think about surviving and getting through this fight. "Come on. Hold on. We can do this." She didn't know if it was for her sake or her friends that she was saying this, but it didn't matter as she cast cure on them all once again, using the MP that Take just gave her. She had to do more however, this was not enough, it wouldn't be enough to just heal, she had to also help fight, even if it was barely. Running in Tinarah tried her best to stay small and dodge the flames as she went towards him trying to at least get a hit or two in before backing up but not hiding behind Take anymore, he didn't seem to be doing well so she didn't want to put him in more danger. Tinarah Cured Take and Chrono for 35 hp and herself for 20 HP: 59/85 AP: 28/58 MP: 12/30 DP: 3/3
Aislinn looked between her three options. She could follow Pocahontas, she could join Nanaki scouting, she could go with John Smith and possibly have to deal with Radcliff again, that being said the latter was not overly appealing. "I don't think we should leave Pocahontas to go back on her own, not when there is trouble. Lets follow her." She then looked over at Nanaki. She didn't know how he fought or if he could hold his own but wondered if he would be okay. "Maybe John, you should go with him, both scout out. We will make sure that Pocahontas gets home safely and remains safe." She was a princess of heart after all and they needed to keep them safe at any cost.
Fighting against her own body, Raelyn tried to free herself from the stun that had seized her body moments before. Battle rushed around her, but it wasn't until the golems were attacking again that she managed to break free from the stunned state enough to keep helping. It made her feel a little useless as she was forced to watch what people were doing and she was standing there. It wasn't too late to step back in though. Keeping a bit towards the back Raelyn prepared another spell and threw it out towards as many as she could hit before she stepped back defending herself in order to not risk being stunned once more. She couldn't afford to just sit around and not help again, she had to at least try and be worth while. Raelyn used Aqua Stream then went into a defense stance.
Pushing the gun away from her keyblade, Gaston stumbled as Karina spun and stuck. There was no laying off him, there was no time. He didn't have time to get out another weapon, and his gun was all but useless when he didn't have time to aim. She had the upper hand, now it was time to finish it. "But I am the best!" Gaston tried to protest, but Karina was having none of it. With one hand she jarred the gun from his grasp, throwing it across the room. With her other hand she summoned her keyblade back just before swinging it in such a manner to take off his head. The body hit the ground with a sickening thud. Breathing heavy, Karina looked at the clock on her hand. "Four minutes, that is not too bad. Could have done better." She commented to herself allowing just a moment to breath before stepping over the body and ran up the set of stairs to the next room that was waiting for her. While she didn't know what was waiting beyond that door, she knew it was sure to be harder than this over sized bimbo. Bursting through the door she found Shang standing on the other side with a quarterstaff in his hand. Well it was better than Gaston, but he couldn't tell Mulan was a girl and was severely confused by his sexuality, so he wasn't all that smart, but he was a better fighter than Gaston. At least Shang could handle himself. This wouldn't be as easy as just closing the distance to win. She would have to out maneuver him. Jumping into battle right away, Karina knew that she couldn't afford to waste any time on this. Sword vs staff was not something that she was familiar with, but she had to at least try. As the keybalde met the middle of the staff, the wood groaned but did not give way to the force behind her keyblade. Using what leverage he had, Shang turned around and snapped the wood back at her, nearly hitting her in the face. Forced to back off, Karina knew he had the upper hand with range, she would have to be more clever. As Shang brought his quarterstaff around again, Karina slid under his next attack, sweeping her leg and knocking him prone, giving her the upper hand for this round.
My first one I have done using the new trailers! I wanted to make this a bit longer, but thus my mind wouldn't let me come up with ways to fill in the blanks and the song seemed to have a better cut off point earlier. But yeah, enough ranting, this is what I did manage to come up with in the time I had and I hope you like it.
60 minutes, she had 60 minutes to get through seven battles. That wasn't much time. "Alright, so if I get through the first in 5 minutes, second in 6, so on and so forth I will have fifteen minutes to compete the last one." Karina mumbled to herself. "It will be cutting it close assuming that the battles just get harder as they go, so I have to use my time wisely, nothing too fancy." She mumbled to herself, already wasting the first 30 seconds of the trial trying to plan out her strategy. With so little time, she couldn't even bother to wish Arctus luck before she summoned her keyblade and charged into the first room. The door locked behind her and Karina was left facing a rather large man with a red shirt and black hair tied back into a pony-tail. Oh it was him. This pretentious dick that she had to deal with back at Beasts Castle. Oh he was full of himself, but she was sure that he couldn't hold his own. Standing up straight, Karina summoned her keyblade, he wasn't that quick, he was big and his muscle would slow him down. All these things in her mind, Karina launched her first attack. As long as she kept moving she would have the upper hand. There was no way that even her strength would be enough to stop one of his blows directly, but if she could keep moving he wouldn't be quick enough to hit her. The sound of a gunshot rang through the room and Karina had barely managed to dive and roll out of the way. Damn it. She didn't remember him being ranged, it was her own fault. She just needed to keep moving and close the gap. Don't give him room to re position and shoot again.Coming to a sudden halt, Karina pivoted and turned towards Gaston directly. Launching a fire ball at Gaston, Karina launched herself at him. His gun blocked the blunt of the blow, at least she had closed the distance.
Tellia looked over slightly as Iridia landed on her shoulder before looking back down to continue what she was doing. "Nothing anymore, there isn't a safe enough place to do anything. But I used to read, and I would talk with my friend. Father would never like it when I played with my friend. He said I shouldn't acknowledge him existing, but I didn't have any other friends. I did like singing with mama though." Tellia told her in a quiet, shallow voice.
Crap, crap crap crap. Take was taking a lot of damage and she wasn't able to keep up. She was doing her best, but her best wasn't even able to keep herself safe. Come on she had to rally more strength, she had to make sure they all made it through this. Maybe she just needed to get a little stronger, or maybe she just needed some help. Tinarah decided to draw strength from those that were around recently, the ones that they referred to as Team Incredible. From there Tinarah then cast cure on all of them to keep everyone going. Taking a scan around, it wasn't perfect, the situation was far from perfect in fact, but she had to at least try and help, at least attack a few times and hope it would get them through this a little better. Tinarah D-Linked with Team Incredible Tinarah used cure, cures Take and Chrono for 35 hp, and herself for 20 HP: 62/85 AP: 30/58 MP: 10/30 DP: 2/3
"Awe okay. Well fill me up at least. I am going to need it." Hedgrit held up his mug waiting for it to be filled with ale before grabbing one of the water skins that she had just filled up and bringing it over to Tellia. He took a long drink of his ale before sitting next to her and shoving the water at her. Tellia looked up a little surprised as she took the water and looked away again. "Drink. Ya need water going into ya, not coming out." Hedgrit said really not sure what to say to the girl. "Thanks." Tellia sipped quietly keeping her eyes averted the best she could wiping tears from her eyes. "You... er don't want to talk about it, do ya?" "No" "Thank goodness. Then get to work. We need you to... er... repack and organize the bags so everything fits better." It was something the only thing he could think of to make her do, and he figured that if she was doing something it would distract her from the tears. Tellia only nodded as she got up and headed over to where Iridia had just finished filling the waterskins, and slowly, quietly began packing the bags, a bit of a distant look in her eyes.
Well this certainly took a turn. While Aislinn had come across enough talking animals by this point for it not to bother her, the story did slightly. It didn't seem quite right. Who was this Hojo person anyways? And why would he experiment on an animal like this, and how many more were they of that kind. Was there a Red XIV, or a Red XV? Why was he here then instead of helping get the rest of his probably nearly extinct kind out of their predicament. After all why would a scientist take so much interest in a species if there was plenty of them. Besides it was partly Nanaki's wording that bothered her. He said him and his kind, not more of his kind, like it was a total, meaning there probably wasn't many left. At least this seemingly young animal was able to change John's mind a little bit on his way of thinking. "Well at least you found a safe place her..." Aislinn said trying to be nice to Nanaki. "And it is good that you are trying to protect these people, but what of your people? Why not find a way to stop this man Hojo and get them out?" She asked curious of why he wasn't more concerned about that, each to their own, but she wanted to know still.
Thea didn't know if Midarah believed her or just was following along, but Thea was happy anyways to be able to go along with things right away. "Okay Master Midarah, I will be right down." First she would need to change. Her dress was essentially ruined in the fight and being submerged in the water. Perhaps it could be cleaned and fixed, but Thea wanted to make sure that she was presentable to go visit the magic council. Even if she believed them her friends, Thea knew that she had to be on her best behavior and if she looked like a drowned rat, that wasn't going to help. Getting out of bed, Thea dragged herself to her room, still a little sluggishly. She was not feeling great still, but she was doing better and there was no risk of another breakdown, so given that she felt okay to travel. Sitting down at her ottoman in her room, Thea picked up her hair brush and spent the majority of the fifteen minutes brushing out her hair, only spending the last couple minutes slipping on a purple dress and running downstairs to meet Midarah. "Alright I am here, lets go!" "We aren't in your debt, we are happy to help, just rest up and feel better and call it even." Everette told the Chief putting a hand on his shoulder. "You look awful, you need to get some sleep." Never mind the fact that he wasn't looking too much better. Everette then moved past him towards where he motioned that Renza was. "Of course we came to see you. We wouldn't miss saying goodbye to the most brave child in the entire town, maybe even in this entire country." He encouraged her. It would be a tough call comparing her to Thea, but Renza was amazing and he figured she could use the boost. "It seems that you are doing better. I am glad to see that." Everette then used a small amount of magic to make a mirror, taking the magic that was lingering to push it to make the mirror more than just a trick that would break but permanent. It was a fine design and made of silver and sat nicely on the table. "That is for you. Every time you look into it you can see a strong brave survivor smiling back, and maybe think of us every once and a while." Everette said softly setting it beside her.
"Okay fine." She agreed but wasn't really wanting to agree. Tellia settled down and started to sing a lullaby that her mom used to sing to her when she was trying to get her back to sleep after a bad dream or when she was sick, or if she just didn't want to sleep. She continued singing long after Zelph fell asleep, crying quietly to herself as she did, thinking about her mother and how much she missed her. "Eh... er... The wee one is leaking I think." Hedgrit whispered to Iridia. "I offered to watch her but I don't know how to handle the tears." Hedgrit looked a little panicked. "Should I say something to her? I don't know how to handle the wee ones." He scratched the back of his neck really regretting his offer now.