Hahahahaha! Lalalalalala......^^ *is happy*
:bounce: Boingy boing
I keep messing up all my numbers....19149
What I've Done-Linkin Park
'ello CtR!! HECK YES!! 19146...poopie Edit: WHAT I'VE DONE IS PLAYING!!! *has spazz attack and dies*
YAY!!! :woohoo:
Umberella is playing on the radio right now 0.o...........
Demyx was staring at the speaker when he heard Vexen. "......oh!" He turned back to Kasha. "You write your own music? Me too! Can't wait to hear you sing. Take a seat in one of the chairs." (OOC: there's chairs for people who play in the band and the choir people have extra seats in the front, because they stand when they play...yeah I confused myself to.)
:poke: *is poking you* 19140 WHOOT!! GOT A TEN!!! :woohoo:
Yuffie was breaking into laughter. "Oh-hahahaha- my good-ahahah-ness!!"
My username is original!! HECK NO I'M NOT CHANGING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
*turns into giant Katsquatch* I'M GONNA EAT YOU!!! ROOOOOOOOOOAR!! I win ^^
Yuffie looked at Aqua. "SHHHH!" she said. "Don't tell the principle I'm here! He wants to see me in his office because of doodles I made." She then noticed Riku. "Hey Riku!" "Alright I won't tell Xemnas." Demyx said. "He's probably going to rip her heart out with a spork." Demyx stood up and handed her a music sheet. "Singing huh? Do you know how to read music?"
Currently: I'm winning. And this is my first post on here :D You're all gonna beat me up now :(
Agreed. But I like tacos better :D 19138
Movie: Stranger Than Fiction- 8/10 Not as funny as I had hoped (Will Ferrel being in it an all) but was very plot driven and I really liked it. Naruto: 6/10 Didn't care for the episode.
Yuffie muffled a laugh as she heard Xemnas sing. What a loser, she thought. Demyx looked at Yuffie and then back at the speaker on the wall while holding in laughter. There was no way Xemnas woud EVER pass a choir class! Demyx then pondered as to whether or not he should tell on Yuffie.
Hawkman's sidekick (yes I randomly made up hawkman, but who cares)
Mighty-Matt91 A really strong guy named matt who in number 091 (kinda like 007....yeah) hawki92 A swarm of baby hawks...
We live for random buddy. LALALALALALA~~~ :P Edit: brb, going to different comp.