OOC: ........................ok thanks for telling us which class......(note sarcasm) Yuffie was currently doodling on her textbook.
YAY! Usually weddings make me fall asleep, but yours was so sweet~~ Plus...it's only the second one I've ever been to (my first being not online and when I was 5...hehhehehehe)
0.o Let's not have anymore people go about dying now shall we????
I WANNA SEE E3!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a minute I thought you said ET. 18996....awwwww I wanted the five...:cryinganime:
I'm gonna dance to *does the 'Everyone's Getting Married, YAY!' dance* And thank the Cookie Monster I am not drunk from rum cookies.
Um...thanks for thinking of a green hairy monster I guess.... Ulix: Ukelele with a built in gun 0.o Soxas: Smelly socks in general.
I can't eat rum cookies. *throws assortment of non-rum cookies into air* Cookies for bride and groom! That was so beautiful! (and relatively fast...) BUT BEUTIFUL!!
Soxas: I think of Roxas wearing smeeeeellly gym socks!
18994 I is here!!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww~~ Wedding are so purrty. Especially with the guitar playing the theme instead of a piano (all honesty).
........Um....Ok then!!!! *sings kitty song* CtR is getting married? Ok, I really did miss a lot. Well let's start the wedding:)
OOC: Soxas, if your lost, there's one class going on already. The technology class, so just go there if you want. But I think Xigbar, Zexion, Vexen, Axel, and Demyx (me) have classes to and I don't know WHEN those are supposed to be. BIC: Demyx didn't teach class until the end of the first period. So for now, he was killing time by sneaking around the cafetia kitchens....
Pfft! Who cares about English? I speak Katsquatchian!
I'm getting lost in all of the conversations!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Uhahdku? Kiasduds, kli lise kitties!
Cooking pancakes in zero gravity?? Nope never tried! I cook a marshmallow over my oven but that didn't work very well...I have problems with fire.
I only have 21 posts....*tear tear* Oh well, I shall never stop posting! MWUHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH- *coughs* Nevermind.....
Everyone's asleep!!! :cryinganime: Man, it's only 10 a.m. here. stupid timezones.........
18958 Wooow this goes fast!!! Lalalallalala....Kitty, kitty in the tree, tell me tell me what you see. Kitty kitty in the house, did you ever catch the mouse? Kitty kitty on the ground, leaps high over the gi-ant mound! 'Tis my kitty song. *dances*