Mya ran into Zee's room and stared at Haru. You. You're the traitor. Sasha stood behind Mya, staring hopelessly at Zee.
Sasha grabbed Zane. It's Haru! He's here! Zee is holding him off while I get help! Mya looked at Zane. Haru can't get away from this Zane.
OOC: Thanks. BIC: Mya studied the Waste dweller. She didn't really trust her. Part of her thinks that she will backstab them. Other part of her is actually impressed someone could live in The Waste and survive. She didn't want to say anything since they could use more companians.
Mya smiled and opened the door. Alright then. Follow me if you will. She walked towards the dock.
OOC: e.e Where is everyone? Gosh gotta send out notifs cause I can't move on in this RP.
Lol read my post in the RP :3
OOC: Sorry I was on vacation. Recap? 83
Mya sighed in relief as they were pulled away from the fight. She looked up at Zelos and examined his face. Look at you. You're a mess. She pulled out some napkins and pressed them to Zelos' wounds and rubbed away the blood on his face.
Mya spotted and waved at Dementrio. Hey there! We have lots to eat tonight! Hark snapped his head towards the direction of Mya. Strange. I thought I heard Mya for a second there...
Mya kissed him back. Sasha ran to Mya's room and knocked fast. Mya! Open up! Mya groaned and looked over. What is it? It's Zee! He's in trouble! Mya froze then jumped out of bed, quickly dressing up.
OOC: Im on vacation. See you guys on Sunday! :3
Sasha nodded. Immense magic is needed for this. Hark shrugged. Anyrhing is fine.
Sasha scratched her head. I'll put it this way. Everything was preset. This whole test was made before they entered it. I cannot change it. Hark held her in his arms. Surprises? I hope not.
Mya giggled and nuzzled his chest. Sasha realized he wasn't there and ran for Mya's room.
Mya sang happily as she caught fish by fish. She now had a big load. Hmm looks like I have enough. Hark smiled and kissed Keyna's forehead. Aww you're such a mean girl, scaring away the animals. Sasha walked over to Mya and the others. They are taking to test the limits of my mind. She scratched Mya's head. I don't know if they can make it...
Mya smiled to herself as she saw Dementrio asleep. You try too hard. She jumped up and headed overtothe lake. Perhaps she could get some luck getting some fish today. She pushed the canoe out towards the lake. Hark yawned and jumped to his feet. He walked over to their fire pit and tossed some wood in it which was smoldering and caught on fire now.
Sasha nodded and ran out, heading towards Zane's room. She pounded on it hard, not realizing Zane was in Mya's room. Mya purred. Aww not the stomach. It's one of my most senstive spots. She squirmed as he kissed her stomach.
Mya stared sadly at The Waste. It felt so depressing and so empty. She suddenly felt exposed and insecure just by looking at it. And we aren't even close to the epicenter of The Cold. Imagine how bad it is there...She shivered at the thought.
OOC: Sorry AS. I was talking to Shadox. Since she deleted her post, ignore my last post D8 Imma time shift this to the morning according to their minds. In Sasha's area, it's still afternoon. BIC: Mya yawned and opened her eyes. She sat upright. Man I'm hungry. She scratched her ears and flickedher tail.
Mya kissed him back. And don't you want that? Stay with me forever? She nuzzled his neck. Sasha backed up even further and behind Zee.