Bark kisses her forehead. Good night Leyna. Sleeep well. He enjoyed watching her sleep.
Sasha tied a cold cloth to his bruise. I'll tell Zane to lay off. In fact, if Mya tells him, he won't object.
Mya walked out of her math class, wiping blood from her lip. Apparantly, some girl think she could talk smack about her, especially about her family. Stupid girl. Hope your arm stays broken. She wasn't sure if she broke it. She twisted the girl's arm pretty hard and heard a crack. The teacher won't cite her since she didn't start it. She sighed and sat on her usual bench: far away from the students as possible. She pressed a towel to her lip.
Sasha giggled and brushed her finger across his chest. I'm glad you see it that way.
Sasha smiled and opened her eyes. Good morning Zee.
Sasha moved up and rested her head on his chest. She then hugged Zee.
Mya sighed and closed her box. As class started, the teacher blabed about the last test how all but one student did poorly on the last test. No surprise, Mya had a perfect test as always throwing in some dirty looks at her. It wasn't her fault she didn't spend time looking "easy" for guys like the other girls do. Her mind was placed over everything else.
Sasha sighed in her sleep and cuddled close to Zane. She's getting less pain as she is now used to their daily "activities" in their rooms.
After hearing them all talk and discuss the groups, Mya nodded and followed Grey out. In her experience, she had complications talking to guys since it makes her feel awkward, but if they were going to save Jenny, the need to start making up connections.'re Grey right? You probably already know me, but I'll make sure. I'm Mya.
Hark sighed and took the bow. So insecure. Start worrying about yourself now. He ruffled her hair and smiled.
Don't worry. I don't need a weapon. I'm fine. He stared at the sky, full of stars. Hope nothing too bad comes out.
Mya watched herrun after Zelos. He could've won, but I suppose that's what happens once the arrogance takes over a person. She shook her head and headed towards her next class, math. One could say she was smart. Truth is, she is highly bright, but have clouded thoughts when thinking. After entering the hallways, she sat down in the back. She never sat in the front where students could make fun of her and send nasty remarks at her without the teacher noticing. She pulled out her small wooden box and opened it, showing a bright purple jemstone in a neckalace. She usually didn't wear it in public because then the girls would gawk at her and probably get mugged for it. It was the only thing that reminded her of her family.
Hark smiled and rubbed her head. How can you fly if you can't climb. Anways, go to sleep. Just tomorrow, and we'll be fine. He climbed up a tree and looked around.
Mya smiled and licked his neck. So am I. May nothing ever change us. After that, she kissed Zane passionatly.
Mya sighed and closed her eyes. There is a good chance we could. All I want is to be with you.