GAAAAH!! *hides*
O__O that was....a little to much info there, Crono.....
Thats always fun... in its own challenging way.....
Yeah... *brings out birthday cake..... AND THEN MY EVIL FURBY JUMPS OUT OF NOWHERE AND STEALS IT! muse wakes up and tackles furby* YAY, MUSE IS AWAKE! *dances* Nyxie sat on the couch, her nose in a magazine. Axel slept silently, his head in the blondes lap. Axel never snored, which was a good thing, at least, to Nyxie it was. She flipped through the pages of the magazine, before her liquid brown eyes focused down to her red headed companion. She sighed, and smiled admiringly down at her 'bo' She had never had a better boyfriend.... Thats all i could get out of musey.... and to let you know, Axel and Nyxie ARE a couple, and a 'bo' Is nyxie's term for boyfriend, or boy.
*hits muse with a baseball bat* WAKE UP, DARN IT!!!!! *muse snores* UGGGGG!!!!!!!! *stomps out of room*
ur welcome. But I must warn you, I am known to spam in the spam zone.....
O.o, now i see the straps.... And i bought them cuz theyre good...... but they upset my poor tummy....
GAAH! ITS ARC!!! *hides and bites finger nails*
The spam section is my fav section....
Yay, mez! Imma post in like, two minutes, i have to find me muse... *kicks the sleeping muse, trying to wake it up*
UG!! *chucks grenade at your face* I likey my avvy, too... And, like, when you click on the new posts, there will list all the newly replied threads, and you look to think.... and it will say who it was by..... and if its NOT you, then ya knowies....
I was thinking he looks about 19 or twenty....
Shall I start? Or do you want to?
O.o, I see an Axel in your avatar. *pokes avatar*
Hi, new.... Im random XDD welcome, Nymph of destiny! *throws ball at youir head too* Ive been throwing balls alot today...... Ive lost count...
*throws ball at Barneys face*
......O.o, I he/she is sooo scared XDD *throws ball at your head too*
Im Axel!!!!!
Arc scares me... *bites fingernails and hides in corner*