Okies! Imma go to bed in... *looks at clock* eleven minutes....... So i can talk to this other person... *groans* JKJKJKJ LOL IM KIDDING! Nyxie luvs you, too.
O.o O.o!! I wanna be Axel!! *jumps up and down*
YAY HORSIES!! * rides horsies and eats lots of cakes* O.o, I sorry for your feeling...... I get those alot.... like I have a feeling someone is going to come arouhnd the corner, and I end up bumping heads with my crush... *giggles*
I am in love with like 3 boys at my school, but they were a little high on the totem pole.... *sighs* I dun like the popularity thing.....
WOW.... ghosties scare me... and i have to sleep with my cat IN THE ROOM with the door shut and a night light.....
I like parties...... Can we order horsies and ride the horsies, too? *gives cute puppy eyes**waggles eyebrows*
Oh, i would SOOOO bring Axel.....
YAY!!! I GETS A PARTY!!! *blasts music* 21083
Axel is my fave character, but my friends call me Marluxia :D cuz i am the most feminine, and our hair is identical... well....err.... besides the pink...
MORE CAKE!? *eats cake* Good, god, ur gonna make me fat..... *looks at flat tummy* Nvrmind, that might take quite a bit.... 21080
YOU DONT GET AN EXCUSE!! I am.... special..... and now my butt feels all better.... and its my birthday.. so i get an excuse XD....
*groans* Not a MOVIE! I wouldnt watch the thing. Its ******ed.
*Giggles* You spelled gay wrong, silly.....
UG!!! I DUN LIKE THE FACE!!!! *runs off to read*
She all loco now....Coolio.... I im not crazy.......... I prefer the term 'Blonde' *points to blonde hair* GOT IT MEMORIZED???
*head pops, and i fall on my butt* OWIE!! WAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! MY BUTT!!!! *looks at butt* Its broken...... *cries*
KK, this is a little quiz i found... It contains uberly random questions that are extremly... err... interesting.... and then at the end, it will tell you what organization XIII character you are..... And then , post wat ya got on here... By the way, I got Marluxia. :D Oh, by the way, heres the quiz: Click HERE for the quiz.[/size][/blockquote]
I get that alot....... but i an airhead.... *heads gets big and I float away* i like being hilarious...
O.o, I see.... better than wat i could have done XD