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  1. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    Haiiiiiiii :D :glomp:

    Haiiiiiiii :D :glomp:
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Jul 31, 2010
  2. Shadox D.
    The bird-girl led Hark and the others to Mya and the group that she had with her.

    Soldiers' worthless attempts to shoot her out of the sky were useless.

    It was strange. This killing wasn't hard for her.

    This time she enjoyed it.

    She enjoyed killing the humans.

    As blood spilt from their heads a smirk crossed her face.

    But she wasn't her normal self at the moment.

    Something deep inside of her made her feel happy to kill the humans.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shadox D.
    The purple and black fire engulfed the tower.

    An eerie look was placed upon it.

    The clocktower started to melt some, and the clock started to lose its place in the structure.

    Sinder felt the hate fill her and she turned to the nearest building.

    Her claws went into contact with the building and deep gashes were left in the walls.

    Fire made its way from the dragon's mouth into the building.

    The screams of pain filled her ears as the ones who were in the building perished in the flames.

    This brought her pleasure; the screams of the dying.

    Her razor sharp teeth and claws tore the building into shreds.

    When that was done she turned to the group.

    The purple eyes were fixed on the two lovers.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shadox D.
    Sinder saw Hark and the others.

    "Guys over here!" she yelled as she approached.

    "I'm supposed to be your cover.

    Stay close and hope we all make it out alive!"
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shadox D.
    "As you wish," Sinder said as she bowed slightly.

    The bird-girl unraveled her wings and with a single beat, flew towards the flying unit.

    Soldiers fired at her but she easily evaded their attacks.

    Her bullets left no survivor behind.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadox D.
  7. Shadox D.
    Night :D .
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shadox D.
    Like hungry hungry hippos??? :lolface:

    Haha welcome to the forum! :D
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Shadox D.
    Sinder flew with great speed as the arc tower blew up. She had grabbed two pistols from a fallen soldier and met with the others in the courtyard. Her wings were half wrapped around her, acting like a shield. The guns aimed at the soldiers, meaning to kill any in its path of bullets. Her face was emotionless as blood and screams came from the fallen soldiers. "What are your orders Mya? What do you want me to do?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Shadox D.
    I'm sorry .
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shadox D.
    Welcome back to the usa
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shadox D.
    The girl smiled for a second,
    but the smile was soon replaced by a frown.

    "Yes, the rain is very pretty...

    I wish I could be like the rain.

    I could come and go whenever I want.

    I wouldn't have to run and hide from Them...

    I could be free..."

    A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered the screams of her dying father.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Shadox D.
    Sinder giggled at his remark about manners.

    “It is ok. I have lived almost my whole life alone. Manners do not matter that much to me.â€

    She smiled at him friendly.

    After a minute or two she looked out the window.

    Sinder loved the rain.

    It reminded her of tears, though.

    Tears of the ones that cry out in pain and loss...
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Shadox D.
    OOC: Ok then
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shadox D.
    OOC: For an air raid? If so, what are we going to attack and where?
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    *smiles* .

    *smiles* .
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Jul 30, 2010
  17. Shadox D.
    ? tuW
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shadox D.
  19. Shadox D.
    OOC: What are Hark and I going to do?
    Post by: Shadox D., Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    *hugglez back*

    *hugglez back*
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Jul 30, 2010